Indonesia Bans Manta Fishing, Part 1
Analyzing manta conservation in the context of marine conservation as a whole. (Part 1 of the series)
0 3Analyzing manta conservation in the context of marine conservation as a whole. (Part 1 of the series)
0 3Every year, between June and September, hundreds of whale sharks can be found in the deep waters northeast of Isla Mujeres, Mexico.
4 5Thanks to Discovery Channel’s popular «Deadliest Catch» TV series, the red king crab has become known across the globe. Native to the north Pacific, this armored behemoth has invaded Norwegian waters and is considered a dangerous, alien species.
0 6Part 2: Blubber & fur. The IUCN Red list of threatened species indicates that approximately 447 marine species are currently listed as endangered of which 188 are in critical condition. Taking a look at the 12 most endangered marine mammals, we discuss the causes of their depletion and their current major threats.
0 3Part 1: The Gentle Giants. The IUCN Red list of threatened species indicates that approximately 447 marine species are currently listed as endangered, of which 188 are in critical condition. Taking a look at the 12 most endangered marine mammals, we discuss the causes of their depletion and their current major threats.
0 5The Blue Temple Project, established only a year ago, is a Voluntourism organization that aims to support the Perhentian reefs' recovery through research and tourism awareness.
0 3The deep blue color of the ocean has always captivated man, and divers marvel at the different shades of it every time they venture below the surface. But what is blue, exactly?
0 3In this post of the Ocean Threats Series, we will see how Shark finning- an unsustainable fishing practice - is affecting our ocean predators, and consequently, the oceans and ourselves.
0 4Thoughts on the recent nationwide ban on manta fishing. Part two of the series.
4 3There are many complex problems around living more harmoniusly and importanty - sustainability. This is a brief run into analysis of pollution as a whole.
1 3Scuba Diving can actually save the underwater world!
The whole joy behind scuba diving is to encounter diverse marine life, and without them, diving isn’t half as exciting. So when an underwater environment is destroyed, sea animals perish, and scuba divers have nothing to dive for.
Scuba diving actually generates more revenue than required to maintain and protect the marine life in those environments. Therefore, scuba diving is an incentive to allow these sea creatures to prosper, and to protect their habitats. It’s unfortunate that we actually need an incentive to allow marine life to live and prosper in their own habitats, but at this point, we should leverage any incentive can make a difference.
One of The Sub2o’s purposes is to spread awareness of the issues that our marine life and oceans are currently suffering from. Scuba divers generally know of the marine life and water issues that the underwater world is dealing with. They know that by choosing to turn a blind eye to these issues, that they would cost them their whole hobby of diving, their passion. Lots of divers are passionate about certain sea animals, and have portrayed this passion in how strongly they support them and actively they try to protect and ensure their survival.
We invite all scuba divers to spread the message with us, that scuba divers can actually preserve and save marine life!
Every year, between June and September, hundreds of whale sharks can be found in the de...
Thoughts on the recent nationwide ban on manta fishing. Part two of the series.
As divers, we learn how to appreciate the sea. And if we appreciate it, we should care ...
Trainee divers, as well as experienced divers, can experience pre-dive nerves for a var...
Sharks are ancient creatures that have swam Earth's oceans for over 420 million years, ...
Do you have the confidence to admit to your personal limitations? Can you recognize and...
The Sub2o, Dive Advisor’s online publication, is a collection of informative and entertaining stories written by experienced and passionate divers that love to document the underwater world.
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