alexandre (ghost) my best place to dive is the red sea, but we have in Colombia nice places to dive too, like Santa Martha, San andres and Cartagena
Brad Litton (litton9) Living in Atlanta, Georgia. From Pontotoc, Mississippi. NAUI Enrinched Air Nitrox Diver
ScubaTribe (ScubaTribe) A business tool for reputation and social media management. A marketing tool for sharing the experiences and testimonials of your guests. An internal development tool for improving and developing your services based on customer insight. And so much more...
Turtle Dive Center (TurtleDiveCenter) Turtle Dive Center are the first French Dive center ADIP/CEDIP and SNSI from all Dominican Republic. We are located since 2010 in Las Terrenas-Samana 50m from the beach in a mall call El Paseo. We offer: Snorkeling, Scuba diving, Cenotes dives, try dives and more
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vanessa (vanessab) PADI Wreck Diver
Sometimes "frogfishes" can be so ugly, but on other occasions they are the clowns of the sea .... I love it when they are "spawning" ....
Have you ever spotted a cuttlefish? Here's some information about this interesting sea creature.
Lost your mojo? Get back into the water and re-awaken your lust for scuba diving! From discovering new dive sites to meeting new dive buddies, shake the dust off those fins and get wet again.
Earth, air, water and fire. There is probably no place on this planet where the four classical elements are more abundant than the Galàpagos Islands. If you've never been there, you don't know what you're missing. But once you're there, you will always return, again and again.
The lizardfish, a common predator, with the looks of a prehistoric mixture of fish and reptile.
Bali, one of the most amazing islands of Indonesia, is a real paradise for divers, culture freaks, and photographers.
Trainee divers, as well as experienced divers, can experience pre-dive nerves for a variety of reasons. Focusing on prevention and control methods can help divers turn nervousness into pre-dive excitement!