Where the Indian meets the Pacific Ocean

Imagine a place where two Oceans meet. In the south of Indonesia there is such a place- the Pacific Ocean (from the North) and the Indian Ocean (from the South). In the mixed zone, a plankton rich area is built. This is the paradise for the Manta rays: Nusa Penida.

Nusa Penida
Nusa Penida is a small Island southeast of Bali. The street of Badung divides the two Islands. We dived the southwest of Nusa Penida, the side towards the open sea. The water temperature was 5°C colder than around Tulamben (Pacific) but still 24°C.

Manta Ray

You can best reach Nusa Penida with a flight to Denpasar (for example with Singapore Airlines), and then a short bus ride from Denpasar. Nusa Penida is also offered from other dive destinations at the east coast of Bali.

For example, the Kubu Indah Dive & Spa Resorts offers day trips to the dive with the mantas besides its own dive area around Tulamben.

Manta Rays

Sun Diver - Manta Ray
The Manta places are on the outer side of Nusa Penida. A speedboat takes you through the channel. They say that they have a 99% Manta guarantee over there.

Our first dive was just after the exit of the channel. Turning left (southeast), a bay awaited us. Also the landscape was fantastic, especially the rock with a hole in it, building a bow over the sea. Mantas can be easily spotted and yes, after cruising a few minutes, we saw them! 2 or 3 Mantas were there, just below the surface.

Manta Ray

We jumped in. Diving this site has its own dynamic. Hanging in the shallow water, a groundswell of about 10m took us rhythmically back and forth. And then they appeared around the corner, gliding across the rocks - Manta Rays. We enjoyed at least 30 minutes with them, and then they disappeared.

The second dive took place at a site called Manta Point. It was a few minutes further outside and it paid off. Even without spotting them at the beginning, we jumped in.

Manta Ray

With only a 10-minute wait, 2 mantas appeared in about 12m depths. That was just the beginning of the show! During the dives, we came across many more mantas, and at the end they danced just below the surface. What a pity we were low on air really fast.

Manta Silhouette

Nusa Penida is worth a visit for sure. Either book around that place or in the area of Tulamben, where you have totally different diving too.

Further Reading

Overview of Scuba Diving in Indonesia

Directory of Dive Sites in Indonesia

Directory of Dive Shops in Indonesia

Bali, The Island of the Gods

Raja Ampat: Nothing More Needs to Be Said

Komodo Islands

Lembeh Strait: Diving with the “Aliens”

Save Bangka Island

Published July 17,


Dive Sites

Manta point

Marine Life

Giant Manta Ray Manta Ray





















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  • tn

    diving CANDIDASA 5/16/2016 2:35:19 AM Yes, Tulamben offers different diving than Nusa Penida & the diving around Tulamben is usually easy and suitable for all levels. But diving around Tul is a bit boring, too. It's mostly muck diving only (don't get me wrong, I am a macro fan myself - but I enjoy variety), there's hardly any drift/current dives. I prefer diving off Candidasa, where we have world-class macro dives (Jetty!) but also Gili Biaha (Shark Cave), Gili Tepekong (Canyon!) & Gili Mimpang (sightings of Mola Molas in season).

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