PR Director of Dive Advisor
alexandre (ghost) my best place to dive is the red sea, but we have in Colombia nice places to dive too, like Santa Martha, San andres and Cartagena
Brad Litton (litton9) Living in Atlanta, Georgia. From Pontotoc, Mississippi. NAUI Enrinched Air Nitrox Diver
ScubaTribe (ScubaTribe) A business tool for reputation and social media management. A marketing tool for sharing the experiences and testimonials of your guests. An internal development tool for improving and developing your services based on customer insight. And so much more...
Turtle Dive Center (TurtleDiveCenter) Turtle Dive Center are the first French Dive center ADIP/CEDIP and SNSI from all Dominican Republic. We are located since 2010 in Las Terrenas-Samana 50m from the beach in a mall call El Paseo. We offer: Snorkeling, Scuba diving, Cenotes dives, try dives and more
Frank (hilifrank45) Residual Income For Life Make Money Online and Earn £100 - £1000 per day from home, (free to register & attend a free event where Online Entrepreneurs Reveal All Their Secrets.Add me on skype: getpaiddailyonline . Address: 83 Ducie St, Mcr, M12JQ , Phone: 07709539785
vanessa (vanessab) PADI Wreck Diver
Gabriel Fracaroli (gabrielfracaroli) 0805002940 PADI Open Water Diver
Scuba diving (as a New Year’s Resolution) coalesces the most common resolutions made each year. But even divers have their own NY resolutions; they can get bored, especially if they’ve been diving the same spots over and over again. A new year calls for adding some new and unique destinations onto your scuba bucket list.
One of the most beautiful diving destinations, Sangalaki Island is reputed to be one of the best and richest diving grounds in Borneo, Indonesia.
The Blue Temple Project, established only a year ago, is a Voluntourism organization that aims to support the Perhentian reefs' recovery through research and tourism awareness.
Why a collaboration between the card game, Poker, and the underwater sport works.