Buceador apasionado desde su infancia y fotógrafo submarino de profesión, Carlos Suárez se ha dedicado a reflejar la vida submarina mediante artículos y fotografías. Carlos Suárez nació en 1969 y es natural de Lanzarote, una de las Islas Canarias. La influencia del Océano Atlántico ha marcado toda su vida y esto se puede apreciar en sus fotografías donde refleja su fascinación por el intenso azul del océano. "Realmente la fotografía y el buceo me han gustado desde siempre. Vivir en una isla en pleno Atlántico provocó en mí una gran curiosidad por todo lo relacionado con el mar. Esto me llevó a pasar muchas horas en el agua, primero practicado apnea y más tarde buceando. Un día, sentí la necesidad de reflejar las maravillas que contemplaba bajo las aguas y que se me antojaban casi imposibles de describir con palabras". "Al principio usé esporádicamente cámaras de aficionado. Años más tarde descubrí mi verdadera vocación y decidí dedicarme a la fotografía submarina. Comencé a adquiri
Lars Skovhøj (Aqualars) PADI Advanced Open Water Diver
Luc Eeckhaut (luceeckhaut) www.luceeckhaut.com CMAS One Star Instructor
Madelein Wolfaardt (SealifeMadeleinwolf) I am a photographer living in Cape Town, South Africa. We have beautiful colorful reefs here and of course the magnificent kelp forests. I love to travel. I have a deep love and appreciation for the ocean and all the creatures there in. I am a Nudibranch fan and my favorite marine mammal is the dolphin (cliche I know). I love to explore with my dive buddy who is also my husband an ex navy diver. We love to raise awareness with my underwater images, getting more people to fall in love with the ocean. You protect what you love. SSI Navigation
Magnus (MagnusLarsson) Swedish diveinstuctor gone underwater photographer living in Koh Lanta, Thailand. I love studying the behavior of animals, they measuring you, you measuring them, trying to figure out how to earn their trust to get close, letting them continue with their natural behavior. PADI Open Water Scuba Instructor
Mairead Doyle (mairead) I’ve been blogging since I received my very own domain name for my birthday back in 2003, and I've been diving since 2001. I'm a bit of a fair-weather diver, preferring tropical waters above anything else, but I have dived the north Atlantic and a very chilly Port Philip Bay in Melbourne, Australia. I even got dry-suit certified and my goal is to dive in the Shetland Islands. I hope you enjoy my blog posts.
Marcelo Johan Ogata (bugDreamer) Addicted to underwater macro photography! follow me on isntagram at _bugDreamer_ PADI Divemaster
Martin Hess (scubamedia) Addiction to IT, love nature and science, enthusiastic scuba diver - for me this is not contradictorily but my passions which I materialized on my homepage about underwater videography - www.scubamedia.de Maxim - You can not dive at each and every dive site but you can try PADI Open Water Diver
Matias Alexandro (underwater_matias) Shark lover Island Hopper. Based in Ibiza
Matt Draper (mattdraper) Originally from New Zealand, I now reside in the small beach side community of Byron Bay, Australia. With an interest in photojournalism and ocean imagery, photography has allowed me to travel to remote areas of the world-documenting subjects for the purpose of education and positive change for the environment. I started practising underwater photography in 2014 and ever since have tried to use my photographs as a way to spread awareness about environmental issues as well as foster love for the ocean by replacing fear with fascination. I do enjoy to scuba dive, but all my images are taking while free diving under natural light. Matty.
Lanzarote es la más septentrional y oriental de las islas del archipiélago canario. Declarada Reserva de Biosfera en 1.993, es conocida popularmente como “la isla de los volcanes”, y son estas características las que dotan a sus fondos marinos de una topografía muy especial.