I am a photographer living in Cape Town, South Africa. We have beautiful colorful reefs here and of course the magnificent kelp forests. I love to travel. I have a deep love and appreciation for the ocean and all the creatures there in. I am a Nudibranch fan and my favorite marine mammal is the dolphin (cliche I know). I love to explore with my dive buddy who is also my husband an ex navy diver. We love to raise awareness with my underwater images, getting more people to fall in love with the ocean. You protect what you love.
Ced Ric (cedriccharlaix) cedriccharlaix.weebly.com
Rick Howard (Alpinesender) Open Water certified in 2008, Dive Master in 2013. I've done a little travel diving but definitely not enough, Wreck Diving in the UK, warm water in the Caribbean and cold water Canadian Fresh water diving to name a few.
Maurice (MauriceSpondylus) I openned Spondylus Dive Center in 2011 in the northern town of Mancora, close to the Ecuatorian border. I did my IE in Thailand and worked in Asia for 2 years. I got experience diving in Cuba, Mexico, Galapagos, Egypt, Thailand, Indonesia and Peru.
Sandy Ribinskas Johnson (sandyjohnson1964) God gives us all a free trip around the sun each year. Enjoy the ride!
Stephanie J Perrin (sjperrin1) love,laugh, giggle and live your dreams! in progress.......... All is transient...all we have are the moments...make them all worth while..to achieve your ultimate goal!!!!!!
Ryan Tilton (djrtllc) www.Intelafone.com - www.DJRT.com