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What can I say. They put 26 clients on a boat that they know is faulty and make them cross the Golf of Suez. Boat capsizes, captain is one of the first in the life raft while others are still in the boat that is sinking. Service afterward appalling. No compensation, no nothing. They are very much under-insured, extremely irresponsible and just really bad people. If you care for your life, DO NOT GO on a dive safari with this company!
Film Diuna opowiada historię niezwykłej, pełnej przygód i emocji podróży Paula Atreidesa. Temu genialnemu i utalentowanemu młodemu człowiekowi pisane jest wspaniałe przeznaczenie, którego on sam nie jest w stanie pojąć. Najpierw jednak Paul musi się udać na najbardziej niebezpieczną planetę we wszechświecie, żeby ratować rodzinę i rodaków. Na planecie wybucha zażarty konflikt o dostęp do niewystępującej nigdzie indziej, najcenniejszej ze znanych substancji. Wyzwala ona w ludziach ich największy ...
Thanks Safari team
fawzishahine Sunday, April 20, 2014
Blue Hole of Dahab view log
The SS Thistlegorm rests at the bottom of the northern Red Sea. Bombed and sunk during World War II, this ship was first discovered by Jacques Cousteau and then forgotten about till the 1990s. Now it is the Red Sea’s most famous (and most dived) wreck.
Once you've made some cool underwater shots, you would love to have more people notice your photos, for example by sharing them on Facebook. A path full of potential but lots of nasty obstacles on the way. Let's have a look!
Dived the same dive spot over and over again? Know every fish, stone, and coral by name? Find out how you can shoot common subjects in a different way. Creativity is the key!
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