Don't let your view get obstructed by muddy, sediment-filled ocean water. Invest in a scuba diving mask from TUSA. These masks feature custom-tailored lenses to suit the prescription of the wearer. So if you usually wear contact lenses, you should take them into the ocean while enjoying your underwater experiences to reach a higher degree of visibility.
Salma Rodriguez
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The city gives you numerous chances to live in the most ideal manner and furthermore to make your life altogether more happening and joyful.
Nightly, off the Kona Coast of the Big Island of Hawaii, divers congregate and light up a stage set for manta rays. Coming in to feed on the plankton gathered by the lights, 8-12ft mantas do a beautiful ballet-like dance for as long as the divers and their lights will stay.
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Florida is one of the world’s premier destinations for cave diving and Devil’s Eye cave system should be on any cave divers list of places to dive when visiting the region.
Northwest of Kauai, the tiny island of Ni'ihau and its neighbor, Lehua Rock, have some of Hawaii's best diving. Known as the Forbidden Island, divers will find sheer drop-offs, healthy corals, the chance to see pelagic and maybe a glimpse of the elusive and endangered Hawaiian monk seal.