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Posted on: April 13, 2016

by John Martin


Top Things to Do in Barcelona for Free

I kept returning to Spain’s second most populated city as every time I visited I felt some thing’s missed. I knew that searching for cheap flights to Barcelona is a task that cannot be achieved in the blink of an eye, as enough time’s required to bag the best deal within your budget.

Posted on: April 5, 2016

by John Martin


How to Spend 3 Days in Barcelona

The city knows how to come to its life right before one’s eyes and no one has to find out why.

Posted on: March 15, 2016

by John Martin


Alicante - The Friendliest City in Spain

Serving as the perfect gateway to the Costa Blanca or “White coast” Alicante is an ideal destination for a short city break or long holiday. Well, it obviously depends on how long one intends to spend their time in appealing Alicante.

Posted on: December 20, 2015

by Carlos Suarez


¿Cómo son unas vacaciones de buceo en Lanzarote?

Lanzarote es la más septentrional y oriental de las islas del archipiélago canario. Declarada Reserva de Biosfera en 1.993, es conocida popularmente como “la isla de los volcanes”, y son estas características las que dotan a sus fondos marinos de una topografía muy especial.

Posted on: October 1, 2015

by Adventure Divers & Activity Center- Spain


Bait balls of the Islas Hormigas marine reserve

The islas Hormigas marine reserve has been protected since 1995, most local divers know about the abundance of marine life that is just waiting to be explored Inside the reserve off the coast of cabo de palos but many foreigners do not know what special marine life you can see here. In any normal day this area boasts the Best scuba diving in Spain, but also recently got the title for best scuba diving in Europe which says a lot about this special area. During later September and early October the marine life is at its most active due to the small fry fish shoals such as sardines and bogas congregating around the underwater reefs inside the park . This abundance of life attracts the predatory fish such as denton, barracuda, jacks, dorada ,and tuna in a feeding frenzy which creates a bait ball effect which is spectacular to watch and one of the areas most special events within the Mediterranean waters.