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SDI-TDI-ERDI, Air Diluent Closed Circuit Rebreather Diver

I began diving in September 2011 and began taking every bit of diving related training available. In my first year I logged 100 dives; By end of year 2 I was a dive master & certified Tec 50 diver & PRISM 2 CCR diver. Now working on technician repair. Because of my love of diving I founded the 38th Parallel Divers dive group. Dedicated to assisting other in Korea with diving. Check us out on Facebook & YouTube: 38thParallelDivers &


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    Glenda Meade (MapleLeafScuba)

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    Timur K (t) Being underwater, weightless in a 3D space surrounded by phenomenal views is a really a spiritual experience for me. I once had a conversation with a turtle. True story. Founder of the DiveAdvisor Project. SDI-TDI-ERDI Advanced Adventure Diver

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Saturday, May 4, 2013

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Posted on: March 31, 2014

Diving in South Korea for Expats

On the surface diving seems difficult for english speakers in South Korea. But 38th Parallel Divers makes it a bit easier.


