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Ticking this option will unlock the 'My Dive Shop' area for you. There you will be able to claim or create a business entity.
Much like a facebook page - you need to first have a personal account through which you can login and manage the business page.
After creating a personal account, you will be directed to 'My Dive Shop' section where you can claim existing listing or create a new one.
This is your personal profile - we advise the username to relate to you. If you own or operate a business it will have its own page that you manage.
Please use your real name - not the name of your business or nick name.
Personalized Waterproof Stickers, like these from Active Images, can help to identify your gear. On busy dive boats many divers may have the same or similar gear and labels can help identify your own and help lost gear be retunred to you.
Personalized Waterproof Stickers, like these from Active Images, can help to identify your gear. On busy dive boats many divers may have the same or similar gear and labels can help identify your own and help lost gear be retunred to you.