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written by williamnoahs

What Can I Have Instead of a Dental Implant?

The best treatment for missing or gaps between the teeth is dental implants. Nowadays, the advancement in technology allows dentists and surgeons to place the Best Dental Implants accurately and reliably. Dental implants are the best way to replace teeth, but not everyone is eligible to get dental implants. Therefore here is a list of some alternatives to implants.


Bridges are one the best options for patients who are not eligible for dental implants. A bridge is a common dental restoration that can replace one or more missing teeth.

Your dentist uses cement to apply fixed bridges, and your need a dental visit to remove them. They consist of false teeth in the middle and one or more anchoring crowns on either side. Moreover, pontics fill the gap while the abutment supports the bridge.


To connect the bridge to surrounding teeth, your dentist shaves natural teeth to allow dental crowns to align them properly with enough surface area for a strong bond/connection. Moreover, your teeth must be healthy for this work. The biggest limitation of this treatment is that it is irreversible.

They offer a very natural look and can improve the color and shape of your teeth being replaced. Therefore you should consider visiting Houston dental implant center to know what dental appliance is best for you.

Partial Denture

A partial denture is a removable appliance where your dentist place adjacent teeth or crown that help fix your existing teeth.

This is an excellent dental implant alternative because it’s less invasive. Also, there is no need for adjacent teeth, but it’s nowhere compared to Dental Implants Texas as stability which may affect your eating and speaking. They are considerably less expensive but do not provide the same look and functionality as Best Dental Implants Houston. Having less bone density or jaw may affect the stability of your partial dentures and the adjacent teeth.

Moreover, well-designed dentures could help improve your speech and pronunciation. The dentist may add a crown if you lose more teeth for better support.


Complete Denture

A complete removable denture is supported by the gums or resting on the area used to hold original teeths. It is an economical and non-invasive alternative to dental implants, but they are not comfortable and stable compared to dental implants.

They are usually large and bulky, affecting your looks and ability to taste food properly. You have to limit your favorite food because particular food cannot be chewed properly by dentures.

A complete denture is a quick and cost-effective solution to help build self-confidence and to improve appearance. It will help replace your missing, worn down, or decayed teeth; a complete denture will also help maintain facial structure.


If you have missing, knocked, or fractured teeth, you should consider visiting a dentist to know about the affordable implants near me.

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