How to Clear a Diving Regulator Underwater
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Clearing a diving regulator underwater is straight forward
1. Take a deep breath
2. take the regulator out your mouth
3. Blow a stream a bubbles while the regulator is out of your mouth
4. Hold the regulator facing down
5. Put the regulator back in your mouth
6. Blow into the regulator to clear it
7. Or push the purge button on the front of the regulator
8. Take a careful breath and continue your dive
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How to Clear a Diving Regulator Underwater Follow on Clearing a diving regulator underwater is straight forward 1. Take a deep breath 2. take the regulator out your mouth 3. Blow a stream a bubbles while the regulator is out of your mouth 4. Hold the regulator facing down 5. Put the regulator back in your mouth 6. Blow into the regulator to clear it 7. Or push the purge button on the front of the regulator 8. Take a careful breath and continue your dive Please share this video and subscribe to this channel