The periodontal disease mainly affects periodontal tissues. It can damage the alveolar bone, periodontal ligament, cementum, and gum line. Periodontal diseases can be categorized into two parts; gingivitis and periodontitis. The following diseases are very common and affect numerous people. If you don’t pay attention to it, the infection can spread to the bone and cause damage to the tissues. If it happens, the teeth will need to be extracted. Visit Sunny Isles Dentist to get Periodontal Disease Treatment.

- Treatment choices for periodontal disease involve regenerative and surgical procedures. Periodontal surgery is used only when it is believed that regenerative procedures will not work. The aim of the treatment is to remove the bacteria that are causing the infection. If the disease is in its initial stages, it can be effectively treated by using antibiotics. Proper oral hygiene is very important during the entire treatment procedure. If identified early, periodontal diseases can be efficiently managed by preserving good oral hygiene. You can consult Sunny Isles Dental for more detailed information.
- Scaling and root planing are common treatment procedures that are employed to treat periodontal disease. Scaling is conducted to eliminate the plaque layer from the teeth. The plaque layer is mechanically scraped off the teeth. Ultrasonic instruments may be used to remove the scales. Root planing is done to make the surface of the teeth's mouth softer so that plaque cannot build up.
- Depending on the extent of the infection, the treatment procedure will vary. In case of moderate periodontal disease, the procedure is the same as that of mild -- scaling and root planing are performed and antibiotics are prescribed. However, more Surfside Dentist visits are required if the infection is more severe. Typically, four Dentist Aventura visits are needed. In the case of extreme periodontal disease, there may be a loss of bony tissue due to the spread of infection. The surgical procedure may be more invasive and in case of huge damage to the bone tissue, bone grafting may be expected. Consult the Best Dentist In Aventura to know the suitable treatment option.

The maintenance of proper oral hygiene is a vital part of the treatment procedure. This is called "periodontal maintenance". It is also very essential to visit the Dentist Golden Beach once every three months for reevaluation. Regular cleanings are also required to prevent the bacteria from repopulating the tissues. If the infection is detected in the initial stages, the treatment options are much more successful. For this reason, it is recommended to visit the Surfside Dentist often after periodontal treatment.
Cost of the treatment:
The average cost of treatment may lie between £120 – £4000. The treatment cost can be as low as £90 for basic observation and full mouth treatment cost can start from £18,000 minimum.
Visit the Best Dentist In Aventura, if you are experiencing any gum issues to know the root cause and the mode of the treatment otherwise it may lead to further complications.
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