Idraulico Milano Urgente (Idraulicomilano) Our business services providing information about on Intervention provinces Plumber (pronto intervento idraulico). Intervention to reduce protein–energy malnutrition among children in rural areas. Business Address: Milano, Città Metropolitana di Milano, Italia telefono aziendale: 0237920749 Tel: +39 0237920749 Indirizzo email: For More Information Visit Here :-
Jeff Lipa (113094934044001764921) PADI Cavern Diver
Pete (goddard60) PADI Master Scuba Diver
Renee (reneefairhurst) Sydney based scuba diver, adventurer and traveler. Always looking for a great dive adventure and always amazed by what I see on every dive. PADI Rescue Diver
Jorge L Roman Jr (Jorgie) PADI Open Water Diver
Flavia Serra Massuda (flaninja) PADI Open Water Scuba Instructor
Having lived in Oman for a year, I have come to realize that we are living and diving in one of the last unexplored diving destinations in the world.