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When to see a Vascular Doctor
written by Stone Mark

Top Treatment Options For Varicose Veins You Should Know

Varicose veins are ailments characterized by dilated, swollen, and purple or blue pathways of veins that appear under the skin. They are most commonly seen in the legs and may be painful and unsightly. Fortunately, there are several ways to treat varicose veins, as follows:

Lifestyle changes, medications, weight loss and physical therapies, and surgical procedures. That is why here are briefly presented the major treatment possibilities at the vein treatment clinic. So, to know more about the same, continue reading the article.

1. Lifestyle Modifications

In mild cases, symptoms can be controlled by a combination of changes in lifestyle. Walking and cycling are recommended as regular exercise because the blood flow is stimulated and pressure on veins is minimized. Vein treatments for spider and varicose veins: You need to go for leg raising during rest, strictly limiting one’s standing/sitting time, and comfortable use of compression stockings may also help one avoid suffering from the condition and get relief from the pain.

2. Compression Stockings

Compression stockings are arguably the most effective nonsurgical remedy known to man. These specially designed stockings help veins return blood to the legs by applying pressure. They can reduce pain, swelling, and even fatigue that comes with varicose veins and are usually prescribed first. If you are confused about “When to see a Vascular Doctorthen it would be best that you have a consultation session with the experts and know more about the same.

3. Sclerotherapy

Sclerotherapy is widely used in the treatment of superficial varicose veins of small to medium diameter. This entails the administration of a sclerosing solution into affected veins in a manner that they become progressively thinner and disappear. Board-certified medical Sclerotherapy is a minimally invasive procedure with very little recovery time and is often done on an outpatient basis.

4. Endovenous Laser Treatment, known as ELVT

Endovenous laser treatment (EVLT) is performed on particularly large varicose veins and is endovenous treatment of varicose veins. A special optical fiber reaches the damaged vein through a small incision, which heats up the vein to the extent that it shrinks and disappears. EVLT is done locally, is relatively less painful, and most patients are able to leave the hospital within a few hours.

5. Radiofrequency Ablation (RFA)

Radiofrequency ablation is yet another treatment process considered minimally invasive and involves the use of heat in the elimination of varicose veins. It involves inserting a catheter into the vein and then using radiofrequency energy to shrink and close the vein. Laser ablation is highly efficient and is used for great-caliber vein treatment most of the time at vein treatment centers. Similar to EVLT, it is done under local anesthesia only.

6. Vein Stripping and Ligation

However, in other severe conditions, the vein treatment doctors may be required to undergo vein stripping and ligation. This operative technique requires making small cuts to the vein and then proceeding to remove the damaged one. Although it is efficient, it is widely used in the treatment of skin cancer that has not responded to other kinds of therapies.

In Conclusion

Spider and varicose veins can be treated with numerous approaches, from making lifestyle changes to complex invasive operations. In such cases, the decision as to which treatment is applicable is made in the course of treatment with regard to the severity of the pathological process and specific characteristics of the patient. Speaking to a healthcare provider is crucial to identify the right interventions. They will also clarify “what the treatment options for varicose veins” are to facilitate comfort and enhance the quality of life.


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