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written by Stone Mark

How To Treat Chronic Venous Insufficiency?

Insufficiency of venous usually occurs when valves in a patient's veins stop working correctly. This happens because the veins can't manage blood flow back to the heart.

According to the surgeons, venous insufficiency is relatively common. It is usually chronic, causing leg and foot swelling, aching legs, and sometimes varicose veins.

What Kind of Doctor Treats Varicose Veins? A doctor who specializes in doctors such as phlebologists, cardiologists, dermatologists, plastic surgeons, and even general surgeons can also help you treat your vein diseases.


The Treatment options for the chronic disease may include:

To improve the blood flow in your leg veins, keep your legs raised, which will help reduce swelling and help increase blood flow. You can also wear compression stockings, which may help in pain relief. Continuing exercising can benefit a lot by improving blood flow.


Consume medicines that can increase the blood flow through the vessels and help in leg ulcerations. Compression therapy can also be used to help with ulcers and aspirins too.

Endovenous laser ablation or radiofrequency ablation is the least intrusive method. This procedure s tube called a catheter puts heat on the impacted vein to be treated.

Through this procedure, the vein closes, and once the vein closes, blood pooling becomes less in the leg, and overall, blood flow improves.


Surgeons generally use sclerotherapy when the case becomes critical when this procedure is used. The surgeon injects a chemical into the affected veins. The chemical scars the veins, so they can't carry blood anymore. Blood returns to the heart through the veins, and the body absorbs scared veins.


Surgery is sometimes done in every case. Ligation, a type of surgery, is done. The impacted veins are tied off, so they do not carry the blood through them. When veins are not possible to treat, vein stripping is done; stripping of the vein removes the damaged vein.

What is venous insufficiency?

The heart pumps the rich oxygen blood to the whole body through arteries while veins bring back the blood to the heart, and when blood doesn't flow back to the heart from the legs.

The valves in the veins ensure that blood flows back to the heart, and when these valves do not work correctly, the blood can flow backward and cause pooling in the legs.

If a person has venous insufficiency, their veins can't move deoxygenated blood from the legs back to the heart. These defective valves inside the veins lead to venous insufficiency.

When blood does no go back to the heart, blood pools and thus causes vein diseases and may result in many signs of venous insufficiencies, such as skin discoloration, leg ulcers, swelling, and pain.


What provokes chronic venous insufficiency?

  • You may have this chronic venous insufficiency:

  • If you are overweight, weight can affect your lower body and can cause vein disease.

  • If you are pregnant, in many women, venous insufficiency can occur when they are pregnant.

  • A family history of the problem can also raise the risk of vein diseases.

  • It can also occur if you stand or sit for a long time.


The recurrence of vein disease is familiar, and you must take further care to prevent it.

Contact and make an appointment with your healthcare provider or doctor for a diagnosis and consultation. Make sure you ask your surgeon, "how much does varicose vein treatment cost?" If you are considering the treatment.

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