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Rubiah Tirta Diver

Rubiah Tirta Diver

Year Established: 1989
0 reviews 0 Indonesia flagIndonesia


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About Us

Back in 1970, Dodent, the founder of Rubiah Tirta Divers, was living and working on Rubiah Island with an English company trying to promote Pulau Weh and Aceh as a tourist location in order to protect the stunning marine environments in the area.

Since then, Dodent has been campaigning tirelessly and ceaselessly to protect these coral reef systems, helping to establish the Marine Park Status around Iboih and fighting destructive fishing practices such as dynamite, cyanide and shark fin fishing!

Now, having a string of qualifications and certificates in environmental awareness and protection (from over 6 different Indonesian Agencies and International NGOs), Dodent has also been awarded a special prize (in 1997) by the Indonesian Government in recognition of his efforts.

Working and diving from a live aboard yacht and sailing around the East Coast of Thailand, the Maldives, Malaysia and Singapore was the start of Dodent’s diving career. His work-mates had no trouble in convincing him of Pulau Weh’s obvious potential as an Asian diving Mecca and the necessity of caring for the reef.



    Certifications YES

  • PADI


  • PADI


  • PADI

    Adventure Diver (or equal rating) + CPR & First Aid trained within past 2 years


    Open Water Diver (or equal rating) + Rescue Diver (or equal rating) + EFR Primary and Secondary Care (or equal rating) within past 24 months + medical statement signed by physician

#7 of 20 things to do in Pulau Weh

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  • Enjoyed our dives with Rubiah Tirta Divers! The boat is good, the equipment is good, the guide was very good. We did 2 dives and were interested in the macro, and had a great couple of dives. The shop helped us fix some equipment, too. We... Reviewed 3/6/2024

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  • Scuba diving Rubiah island Lovely dives on amazing reefs full of life. We anchored our Yacht nearby and went diving with Rubiah Tirta divers. Reviewed 8/12/2023

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  • SCAM IT’S A SCAM! I did my open water and advanced, paid and passed all the tests and dives and they didn’t register my certification with Padi Reviewed 7/12/2023

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  • Rubiah Tirta Diver
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