Great Instructor and guide. Very knowledge on diving techniques and information. Great teacher on where to find the best dive sites and to get the best out of your dive.
Exuma Bahamas is a perfect scuba get-a-way! We loved it! Rented a wonderful beach house on bone fish flats. Huge deep blue hole just around the corner, got lobsters & shrimp and saw rays, tons of various fish,(great fishing) reefs all over snorkeled more than we scuba dove. The water is so clear, we stayed in from dawn till dusk, Gotta try the local coconut bread! Best vaca. EVER!
Nach anfänglichem Schnuppertauchen hat uns das Tauchfieber gepackt und wir haben dort unseren Open Water Diver gemacht. Vielen Dank Marcus, Du warst ein spitzen Tauchlehrer!
Great trip, good diving although there wasn't a great deal of variety on the second shorter dive.
Wir haben uns bei Sub Aqua auf Thulhagiri sehr wohl gefühlt. Die Betreuung durch den kompletten Staff war überaus freundlich und absolut professionell. Die angefahrenen Tauchplätze waren alle sehr schön und entsprachen voll unseren Erwartungen und Wünschen. Mantas und Adlerrochen waren wie bestellt da :-)
Durch die Top-Tauchplätze, welche zwei mal täglich mit dem Boot angefahren werden, hatten wir das wunderschöne Hausriff leider etwas vernachlässigt und nur beim Schnorcheln am An- und Abreisetag und zwei absolut empfehlenswerten Nacht-Tauchgängen besucht.
Herzlichen Dank
How many different ways can I describe a bunch of incompetents?
All these good reviews... from novice and first time divers. No-one seems to know how good diving and live aboard diving can and should be - least of all the crew.
Short version: avoid kangaroo explorer. Probably best to avoid all outer reef trips.
It's not the worst experience, not a bad one, but wasn't _fun_. Not for the money I spent.
I spent 2.5 times as much ($800 vs $2000) diving with Deep Sea Divers for the same length of time (a 4 day long trip), and I felt I got my money's worth with DSD, but not with CDC. Even when some of my complaints apply to both, DSD's Taka northern reef trip was better value for money, in terms of fun and quality of staff. (Note: I can't compare with DSDs outer reef trip, the ocean que...
It was great. One of the best experience I've ever had and hope to do so at the nearest opportunity.
Mass Dive has been my go to place for the last decade.
Very knowledgeable staff..
Land locked but, complete line of equipment and training. Many dive trips available, local and world wide.
see mark
Go on a weekday. Weekends are busy with dive classes and students silting up the waters. Cool spring though.
Wir genossen die Tauchzeit auf Angaga. Zum Genuss haben vor allem das engagierte und freundliche Tauchteam massgebend beigetragen! Auch die Tauchspots gehören sicherlich zum Besten was die Malediven zu bieten haben. Man kann hingehen wo man will, man findet immer ein Highlight!
Nochmals vielen dank für die gute Betreuung und die schöne Zeit.
Getting the ideal Dive Experience is a great feeling and few things compare the perfect dive. Having said that, everyone’s definition of a perfect dive greatly varies but one thing that would be useful to any diver is information.
Our reviews allow for users to meaningfully express their diving experience across a series of Dive Sites and a single Dive Shop.
We feel that reviews of various businesses and locations are some of the most valuable benefits that the internet has brought about. There are people that truly deliver a good service and take pride in the work they do and then there are those who are in for the short term profit. It is important to distinguish these businesses and reward the ones who deserve your money.
In the long run, we aim to become a central and objective body that centralizes user generated content and provides an easily usable database of information that will hopefully improve the quality of the industry as a whole and improve the user experience across the board.