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Much like a facebook page - you need to first have a personal account through which you can login and manage the business page.

After creating a personal account, you will be directed to 'My Dive Shop' section where you can claim existing listing or create a new one.

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Hi, my name is Rafi. And I enjoy the beautiful nature in the world of photography in all its forms. Especially under water .. Thanks to all who watched and pointed to my work., And thanks to all the photographers who share their wonderful pictures :-)


Following & Followers

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    Luis Guillermo Palacios Giraldo (BARRACUDA) I understand diving not as a purely recreational activity but as a chance to study and therefore conserve the marine habitat. PADI Divemaster

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    Craig Martin (craig) PADI Rescue Diver

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    David (divecenter) I am David and i am an instructor PADI, SSI, CMAS 3stars, and DESJEPs, FFESSM I have a dive center, Vivre océan in Hendaye, with nice local and nice boat. You are the welcome when you want.

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    Nico (FreedomDivers) Bespoke scuba diving operator based in Phuket, Thailand. Specialise in unique scuba services: Day Trips to Phi Phi & Similan Islands; best Liveaboard Cruises to remote sites in Thailand & South - East Asia; personalised PADI Education & Digital UW Photo/Video Workshops; Exclusive Dive Butler & Macro Photo Guide services; Amazing retail: iPhone 4 & 5, Samsung Galaxy S4 UW Cases + iSaw A3 Extreme HD ActionCam- #1 Action Camera. We love to share our passion, to explore the Oceans, to create legacy. PADI Open Water Diver

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    christopher (cris) CMAS Two Star Instructor

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    scott (sligamarole) PADI Peak Performance Bouyancy

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    tony (sharkynemo)

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    Mike Veitch (MikeVeitch) Originally from Vancouver, Canada, Mike is an award winning photo journalist, expedition leader, and underwater photography instructor who has been working in the dive industry since the late 90s. Mike has lived and worked in many of the top diving destinations in the world including Palau, Yap, French Polynesia, and the Lembeh Strait. He is currently based in Bali, Indonesia where he teaches underwater photography through his company The Underwater Tribe. PADI Instructor Development Course (IDC) Staff Instructor

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    RAED EL-FORKH (raedrf) PADI Open Water Diver

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    Ted Goshman (tgoshman)

End Of Media Stream

