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written by petercassey

T-Mobile Reveals More About the Camera of its Upcoming myTouch 4G Slide

The camera was the highlight of myTouch 4G Slide when T-Mobile officially announced the gadget. At that point in time, the company went to the extent of stating that myTouch 4G Slide had the most advanced camera in comparison to all the other smartphones available in the market.

Recently, a video was released on YouTube that revealed a lot more about the camera that has been incorporated in the device to increase android app installs. What makes myTouch 4G Slide unique is the fact that it is not an average camera phone. In addition to capturing 8 mega-pixel photos and 1080p High-Definition video, the device incorporates custom software, which allows it to shoot photos in different modes.

Besides, HTC has ensured that myTouch 4G Slide offers one of the fastest digital cameras to its users. The gadget has a dedicated camera button, which focuses when a user half presses it and takes the photograph when he/she presses it completely. Even the on-screen controls respond promptly and the “zero lag” shutter speed is capable of recording images instantly. It is quite apparent that T-Mobile is trying its level best to impress mobile phone users who want a more advanced camera in their device.


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