Whales stranding, shoals of fish collapsing, sea turtles fleeing: extreme noise is harming marine life. Noise caused by military sonar tests, the search for oil and gas, and giant ship propellers. Help us by joining the worldwide campaign www.silentoceans.com.
Very cool video and an issue I wasn't particularly aware off. Please get intouch with our sub2o editor - we would like to publish an article about this issue in our blog - sub2o. (diveadvisor.com/sub2o).
Join the worldwide campaign: www.silentoceans.com
Whales stranding, shoals of fish collapsing, sea turtles fleeing: extreme noise is harming marine life. Noise caused by military sonar tests, the search for oil and gas, and giant ship propellers. Help us by joining the worldwide campaign www.silentoceans.com.

Timur K 11/13/2013 1:27:50 PMVery cool video and an issue I wasn't particularly aware off. Please get intouch with our sub2o editor - we would like to publish an article about this issue in our blog - sub2o. (diveadvisor.com/sub2o).