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written by Trang

9 specific remedies from Polyscias fruticosa

Polyscias fruticosa is popular among Vietnamese people as ornamental plants, raw vegetables and medicinal herbs. Polyscias fruticosa leaves and tubers have many good medicinal properties, applied in many remedies. Let's find out about the biological characteristics and healing effects of Polyscias fruticosa in the following article.

Introduction of Polyscias fruticosa

What is a Polyscias fruticosa ?
In traditional medicine as well as in folklore, Polyscias fruticosa is also known as fish salad or ginseng. Also according to modern science, the male nail has the designation Polyscias fruticosa L. Harras family Ginseng - Araliaceac. The famous Vietnamese physician once compared Polyscias fruticosa as "the ginseng of the poor" because of the effects it brings.

Classification Polyscias fruticosa

In the world, Polyscias fruticosa has many different species, of which the most commonly found are the following:
• Small leaf Polyscias fruticosa (Indonesian ginseng): is the most common type in Vietnam, as well as the type of tree that will be explored in the following article.
• Polyscias fruticosa with large leaves, also known as Polyscias fruticosa leaf, Polyscias fruticosa is dull. Leaf characteristics are much larger and thicker than Polyscias fruticosa small leaves.
• Polyscias fruticosa a large, thick, round plate of leaves with saw-like spots.
• Polyscias fruticosa leaf leaves: leaves expand, split into 3-4 zones. This tree is often grown as an ornamental desk.
• Polyscias fruticosa round leaves: large leaves, mussel-shaped leaves, alternating between 2 white and green are very special.
• Polyscias fruticosa leafy: petal-shaped leaves.
• Polyscias fruticosa silver leaf edge, is a small, beautiful silver leaf border, grown as bonsai.


Polyscias fruticosa is found in the provinces of southern China and the provinces of the mountains and midlands of northern Vietnam such as Yen Bai, Bac Giang, Lao Cai ... Polyscias fruticosa for harvesting leaves, eating as raw vegetables, tubers Polyscias fruticosa works as a medicinal herb. Currently, there are many households growing large numbers of Polyscias fruticosa for medicinal and economic development.

Botanical characteristics of Polyscias fruticosa

• Polyscias fruticosa is a woody plant with small leaves, ranging from 1 to 1.5 m tall.
• Polyscias fruticosa leaves are dual leaves, growing alternately. Each Polyscias fruticosa leaf is cut in 3 times, the edges are sawn-like.
• Polyscias fruticosa flowers grow in clusters at the top of the scene, greenish gray. Polyscias fruticosa flowers bloom from April to July every year.
• Flat, small Polyscias fruticosa fruits.

Planting and harvesting methods

Polyscias fruticosa is grown using seedlings.
Polyscias fruticosa can be harvested after 3 years of planting. However, people usually harvest and sell trees aged 7-10 years or older.
Harvesting part: tree roots.
The roots are dug up, washed, peeled, sliced ​​and dried.

Parts used

Leaves and roots (Vietnamese often use leaves and roots to extract cao đinh lăng for medicinal production).
Polyscias fruticosa leaves contain at least eight new types of oleanolic saponins, respectively, polysciosides from A to H. Polyscias fruticosa leaves have a tonic effect on the body, anti-inflammatory, toxin, antibacterial, and digestive aids, so they are often Pick and eat a variety of raw foods.
Polyscias fruticosa roots: roots are crooked, pale yellow. The outside surface of the roots is grayish-white with many folds, many holes, and traces of young roots. The root contains many active ingredients, vitamins and amino acids. Traditional Polyscias fruticosa root application is a diuretic, relieves nerve pain and reduces joint pain. Many people soak Polyscias fruticosa root alcohol and use it as a tonic, increasing longevity.

The pharmacological effects of Polyscias fruticosa

Modern science has found that in Polyscias fruticosa there are many types of amino acids such as lyzin, xystei, methionine and a variety of healthy active ingredients such as alkaloids, glucosides, saponins, flavonoids, tannins, and vitamin B1.
According to traditional medicine, Polyscias fruticosa has a sweet taste, calculated average, attributed to business waste, spleen, kidney. Polyscias fruticosa root has the effect of tonic, detoxifying, benefiting milk, treating retardation, nourishing the body, curing mental and physical depression.

Some remedies from Polyscias fruticosa

Exercises tonic for the body, improving health:
Prepare 200g fresh Polyscias fruticosa leaves, washed, drained and then brake as tea leaves, drink instead of water daily. A bottle of Polyscias fruticosa can drink 2-3 times the water. Using Polyscias fruticosa leaves to reduce water convenience, simplicity still ensures that the active ingredients in the leaves are intact, no loss of processing, drying.

Remedy for clogged milk:
Ingredients: 30g dried Polyscias fruticosa root, 1 small ginger.
How to do: Polyscias fruticosa roots washed, crushed ginger. Bring 2 ingredients on the identity with 500 ml of water, until half, then stop, divided into 2 times, drink all day.

Remedy for hives, allergies:
Use fresh Polyscias fruticosa leaves or dry Polyscias fruticosa leaves to provide water throughout the day. After 1 week of continuous use will see results.

A long time remedy for asthma:
Ingredients: Polyscias fruticosa root, juniper, hunting beans, mulberry root, sauteed saffron, 10g each. Bodhi root 8g. 5g dried ginger
How to do: 1 day a decoction on sharp colors up, divided into 2 times, drink all day.

Remedy for rheumatism:
Ingredients: Polyscias fruticosa root 15g. Grinded trees, knotweed, arowana, scratched grasses, millennium each 10g. Cinnamon 6g.
How to do: 1 day a decoction on sharp colors up, divided into 2 times, drink all day.

Remedy for dry cough for a long time:
Applies to cases of dry cough caused by heat exhaustion.
Ingredients: Polyscias fruticosa root
, Pennywort, centipedes, dew leaves each 20g. Gut, perilla, licorice each 16g. Sand wing, bare skin, great apple each taste 12g.
How to do: 1 day a decoction on sharp colors up, divided into 2 times, drink all day.

Medicine for diuretics:
Ingredients: Polyscias fruticosa leaves, far away money money, money money draft money each 10g.
Method: Bring these ingredients to cook into drinking water, drinking instead of water.

Remedy for kidney pain:
Ingredients: Polyscias fruticosa leaves, shame trees, cilantro 40g each. Corn stalks, 20g each of herbs.
Method: Bring these ingredients to cook into drinking water, drinking instead of water.

Remedy for insomnia:
Ingredients: Polyscias fruticosa leaves, funeral 20g each. Leaves, continuous humiliation 16g. Lotus center 12g.
The way to do the following: 1 day a decoction on sharp colors up, divided into 2 times, drink all day.
Above are the uses of Polyscias fruticosa. Hope this information is helpful and wish you all the best.


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