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written by laticiagibson

What to Do After Tooth Extraction – The Do's and Don'ts

Suffering from an impacted wisdom tooth can be a very unpleasant experience. This will lead to critical pain, also one may have infections and even bad breath. All of this can severely affect the quality of your life. These problems can be resolved by getting wisdom teeth removal near me. In today’s era, multiple dentists are going to undertake various surgical procedures with their perfectionism, ease, and competence.

However, when it comes to getting your wisdom tooth extracted, there are various considerations that one must be aware of. The recovery after the procedure depends a lot on the way you take care of yourself. Here is the list of do’s and don'ts after having the wisdom tooth extraction.


Wisdom Tooth Extraction DO's:

  • Eat soft and somewhat cold food like smoothies, ice cream, yogurt, etc. for the first few days as your mouth will not be able to swallow anything hard. Also, drink as much water as you can on the first day.

  • The day after the procedure, start rinsing your mouth with warm salt water every two hours and preferably after meals also.

  • Make sure you get some rest after having the process. One should avoid exercise and work out for the next 24 hours. Further, a dentist near me suggests putting your head in a slightly upward position on the pillow.

  • To reduce the swelling or any discomfort, apply an ice pack on the side of your face where the surgery was performed.

Wisdom Tooth Extraction DON'Ts:

  • For the initial few days, the gap created by the Emergency Tooth Extraction will feel awkward, but avoid poking that area with your tongue or a toothpick as it may cause bleeding further leading to dry sockets. Also, it will delay the overall healing process.

  • Till the time you have numbness, avoid eating solid food, hot or spicy food as it can irritate the treated area.

  • Avoid tobacco products for at least 72 hours or preferably for the first week after the procedure. The nicotine and the other by-products of tobacco interfere with the oxygen-carrying capacity of your red blood cells. This can lead to the healing process being slower and imperfect.


  • Do not consume aspirin, as it being a blood thinner will delay clot formation which will, in turn, prevent healing. Always consult your Dentist Houston before taking any medicine.

  • Alcohol, caffeine, and hot drinks also should be avoided for the first few days. To take in the fluids required for your body, you should avoid using a straw because it can result in the loosening of blood clots and rebleeds.

Wisdom teeth removal can be a very stressful experience, more so when it is an impacted wisdom tooth. However, the benefits of the procedure always outweigh the problems associated with an impacted tooth. To maintain your oral health, several excellent dentists are there to perform dental surgeries including impacted wisdom teeth removal in a very painless manner. For more information, do spend some of your time on our official website!

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