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written by Gladys

How To Protect Your Knee From Surgery?

Knee pain can occur at any age, and it is common in today’s world, where people eat more junk food than healthy food. But now that you have knee pain issues, it is crucial to treat it to prevent knee surgery. In this article, you will learn about how you can protect your knee from surgery.

Steps To Protect Your Knee Pain

These are the steps that you can take to prevent knee pain:

RICE: RICE (rest, ice, compression, and elevation) can help you protect your knee pain from worsening.

Rest: Stop or completely avoid activities that are causing more pain or worsening the discomfort.

Ice: To prevent pain, apply a cold pack or compress to the knee for 15–20 minutes each hour on the initial day and every 3–4 hours later. Don’t directly apply the cold; cover the ice with a towel or a cloth before applying it to your knee.

Compression: Use compression to reduce swelling. Use a compression bandage or wrapping that helps flow blood to the knee. A knee management specialist can help you elaborate on how to apply and wear it securely.

Elevation: Elevate your knee to allow blood to flow properly to the knees.

Avoid Sitting in One Direction

Ensure that you don’t sit in one position for more than 40 minutes at a time, as it can worsen the pain. Keep your feet and knees pointed straight, and don’t fold your legs. Your knees should be either straight or bent in the way your knee pain doctor instructed, but not folded.

Use a comfortable chair with armrests to maintain good posture. If you have already had the surgery, avoid sitting on stools, sofas, soft chairs, rocking chairs, and very low chairs. Take support when getting up from the chair to prevent injury.

Avoid Using Stairs

Individuals with knee pain should fairly avoid using stairs as it can damage the knee more and cause more knee pain. But avoiding stairs completely is not possible, so you can use fewer stairs or you can use stairs in a proper way, like

When you are climbing the stairs, put the leg first with no pain, and while you get down the stairs, keep the step for the leg that has pain. This way, you can reduce the pressure on your knee. The trick is that the knee that has pain should not bend, and when you step your leg on the stairs, you don’t bend the knee that has pain. So try this trick, and you can avoid pain in the knee.

Ensure that you hold the banister or holders along the stairs for support while climbing them. Avoid stairs for the first two months after surgery. Talk to your knee pain treatment financial district doctor for more details. Also, don’t forget to do some exercises to keep the blood flow proper in the knee. This will help your knee get better.

In Conclusion:

By following these steps, you can reduce the risk of more damage to your knee. Also, reducing the pain in your knee. Take rest and follow your knee pain doctor nyc guidance. If you have severe knee pain, then contact your knee pain treatment specialists New York immediately.


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