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written by Kathy Gurley

Why Do Dentists Use Dental Crowns?

A dental crown procedure helps in protecting the existing damaged tooth, and this treatment may make a fractured or rotting tooth look better and become stronger and more durable. Typically they use porcelain, ceramic, glass, or metal to create crowns. When excessive tooth structure is missing, such as following root canal therapy, an emergency dentist Houston may use dental crowns to cover a damaged or decayed tooth.

What happens during a procedure for dental crowns?

The dentist at dental clinics near me will typically remove a portion of the tooth's outer surface to prepare it. The crown's thickness will match that of the layer that needs removal. The dentist creates a mould of the tooth and sends it to a technician who will make the crown to create the crown. You can frequently match it to the colour of the surrounding teeth to blend in. Dental offices near me may give you a temporary crown to help you while the permanent crown is in the making process. When the permanent crown is prepared, the dentist uses dental cement or adhesive to fit it.


What are the risks and advantages of dental crowns?

According to the emergency dental clinic, crowns may shield the teeth that are fragile or fractured. Additionally, they enhance the look of discoloured or unevenly shaped teeth. If you take proper care of them, crowns can last many years. But occasionally, they malfunction or come off. The tooth beneath the crown may have deteriorated, or the cement may not be holding, depending on the cause.

How to care for your dental crown?

Once the crown is in place, it is crucial to look after it. You can increase your crown's lifespan with proper maintenance.

Here are a few valuable pointers:

  • Brush carefully by practising. It's time to start cleaning your teeth twice a day if you aren't already.

  • If your crown or the teeth surrounding it are sensitive to heat or cold, think about using toothpaste designed for sharp teeth.

  • Daily flossing helps maintain all of your teeth in excellent condition.

  • Skip the problematic foods. If you have a porcelain crown, chewing ice or other hard foods may cause it to crack.

  • Your dentist could suggest a night guard if you grind or clench your teeth at night to protect your crown and neighbouring teeth.

  • You can see the clear results through dental crowns before and after pics.


What complications can occur with dental crowns?

If you have a severe issue with one of your teeth, a crown may be a beneficial treatment. However, there are dangers and potential problems that you can encounter after receiving a crown:

sensitive teeth

A capped tooth is frequently sensitive to both heat and cold. The fit, however, could not be suitable if your tooth is overly sensitive to pressure when you bite down. Consult your dentist about the possibility of moving the crown's position or filing down the crown's top.

Chipped crown

All-porcelain crowns, in particular, are particularly prone to chipping, and small chips could be repairable by your dentist. When porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns are broken, the underlying metal structure can be seen.


We hope the above-provided details and information tells the various factors and benefits regarding dental crown. For further informative details, please visit

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