Knee pain can originate in any of the bony structures compromising the kneecap (patella), knee joint (tibia, femur, fibula), or the ligaments, tendons, and cartilage (meniscus) of the knee. By physical activity as well as obesity knee pain can be aggravated and affected by the surrounding muscles and their movements. They are also triggered by other problems like a foot injury. Unless it becomes severe, home remedies can be helpful and knee pain can affect people of all ages.
What are the symptoms of knee pain?
For different people, knee pain symptoms can be different and may change over time. Constantly you may feel knee pain or it may come and go says the knee specialist. You might feel stiffness instead of pain while experiencing back or knee pain.
It’s important to see a doctor to prevent further injury if you experience any of the following symptoms:
What causes knee pain?
Knee pain can have many causes like other forms of joint pain, including:
When do you visit a doctor for knee pain?
Within a few days, any pain that does not respond to rest or disappears should be evaluated by a doctor. The following are signs and symptoms in the knee that a knee doctor should evaluate in addition: inability to bend, unable to walk or discomfort while walking, fever, swelling, deformity, and significant pain.
What are the treatment options for knee pain?
As the conditions that can cause the pain varies, knee pain treatment also varied:
Medication- To treat an underlying medical condition or for pain relief, medications might be prescribed. You should see your doctor be evaluated if you are taking over-the-counter anti-inflammatory pain medications regularly for knee pain
Physical therapy- To strengthen the muscles, sometimes physical therapy sessions around the knee will make it more stable. It also guarantees the best mechanical movements. A physical therapist can help avoid injuries or further worsening of an injury.
Injections- In certain situations, injecting medications directly into your knee might help. Corticosteroids and lubricants are the two most common injections used for knee treatment. Arthritis and other inflammations of the knee can be helped with corticosteroids. While lubricants that are similar to fluid already in your knee joint can help with movement and pain.
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