JR Carpet Cleaning Service is a family-owned business that provides carpet cleaning services for Spokane and surrounding areas. . Our Track Mount Unit use a hot water extraction which is the prefer way to provide a deep carpet cleaning. Our Black Light helps us detect things like pet urine that have been deposited into the carpet, so we can act upon it. We believe that deep cleaning is what makes the carpet clean.
Chris Paparo (FishGuyPhotos) Born and raised on Long Island (New York), I have been exploring the wilds of the island for over 30 years. As a wildlife photographer, writer and lecturer, I enjoy bringing public awareness to the diverse wildlife that calls the island home. My passion for coastal ecology, fishing and the outdoors led me to obtain a BS in Marine Science from LIU/Southampton and I currently manage the new Marine Sciences Center at the Southampton campus of Stony Brook University. In addition to freelance writing for several fishing and wildlife related publications, I currently writes the monthly Naturalist’s Logbook column for the NY/NJ edition of On The Water Magazine. Although my work tends to focus on marine life, everything in the natural world is fair game. Follow @fishguyphotos on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter or by visiting my website at www.fishguyphotos.com
Christian Skauge (ScubaSapiens) PADI Rescue Diver
Dariush Shemtoob (fotonji) A self taught photographer, I always seeks out new terrain where animals and nature abound. An avid scuba diver and motorcycle rider, I have been documenting my experiences for more than twenty years learning how fragile life is and developing a profound respect for all living systems. Convinced that no mind is ever open enough, I travel as much as I can and try to stay open to new ways of seeing.
David Antoja (davidantoja) Scuba instructor and underwater photographer. My images are specially focused for conservation and protection of the Mediterranean sea. CMAS One Star Instructor
Divepanthers (Divepanthers) Recreational divers from the far north of Europa. Always diving in warm waters and doing 2-3 dive trips a year. Hobby underwater photographers. Favorite destination is Indonesia.
Ellen Cuylaerts (EllenC) Ellen Cuylaerts relocated from Belgium to the Cayman Islands, Grand Cayman in 2009. She studied history in Antwerp and got her master in modern history and education. She homeschools her 2 gifted teenagers and decided to take up scuba diving in June 2011. Soon she took up her childhood dream: photography. She decided to use the skills she learned to spread the awareness and contribute to the conservation and preservation of the fragile marine environment. PADI Master Scuba Diver
Faridzul Farin Farid (AliSh) PADI Night Diver
Francis (Maddiver) diving is everything... PADI Divemaster