Near Marina Corta is the diving center la Gorgonia.
With Pino and Michele you will discover the beauties of the eolian ilands.
I did my first steps there and they gave me the passion for the underwater.
Ask Pino for an advice, if you need a course or only a boat to drop you somewhere I'm sure he will help you out!
Nice place & good people for sure
L'approccio alla subacquea avuto con Stefano Levanto, il proprietario, è stato veramente soddisfacente. Da tempo desideravo fare quest'esperienza e grazie a lui ho preso il brevetto OWD. Inutile dire che la mia personale passione e il piacere delle lezioni di Stefano mi hanno portato a voler prendere altre certificazioni. Consigliatissimo!
Getting the ideal Dive Experience is a great feeling and few things compare the perfect dive. Having said that, everyone’s definition of a perfect dive greatly varies but one thing that would be useful to any diver is information.
Our reviews allow for users to meaningfully express their diving experience across a series of Dive Sites and a single Dive Shop.
We feel that reviews of various businesses and locations are some of the most valuable benefits that the internet has brought about. There are people that truly deliver a good service and take pride in the work they do and then there are those who are in for the short term profit. It is important to distinguish these businesses and reward the ones who deserve your money.
In the long run, we aim to become a central and objective body that centralizes user generated content and provides an easily usable database of information that will hopefully improve the quality of the industry as a whole and improve the user experience across the board.