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Much like a facebook page - you need to first have a personal account through which you can login and manage the business page.

After creating a personal account, you will be directed to 'My Dive Shop' section where you can claim existing listing or create a new one.

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Indonesia flag Indonesia


Siren acted in poor faith using a bait and switch tactic by using my money as an interest free loan for over 6 months from September 2019 through April 2021 when they clearly had no intent to operate the trip that I booked. I booked a trip in September 2020 on the Indo Siren to Raja Ampat in March of 2021. When booking, Siren offered a 30% discount on the trip and promised to move the date of the trip at the same price paid if it was impacted by COVID-19. Ultimately, I booked this trip knowing there was a chance it would be cancelled or moved, but decided that getting a deal on the trip while helping out Siren during COVID when many of their bookings were cancelled was worthwhile. Siren took many months to determine that the trip would not sail when it was very clear this was unrealistic. When they finally made this determination they refused to refund the funds paid for the trip for multiple months and would not honor the deal they made to move the booking to a future date at the same price. I will never do business with Siren again.

Tyler 1
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