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written by Gloria Kopp

All You Need To Know About Diving Deep Into Sea

Diving deep into the sea is what most of us always think about. About 3 million people dive deep into the sea every year in the US.

But wait, what is a deep-sea dive. According to experts, any dive beneath 20 meters in the sea is a deep-sea dive. However, some experts say it to be 40 meters. According to PADI (Professional Association Of Diving Instructors), any dive between 18 to 30 meters is a deep-sea dive, and it is a technical dive. Hence, you need training in order to dive deep into the sea.

Well, there are more than 3 million divers in the US, and of them, about 1 million divers dive more than 8 times in the year. It is not difficult for any of us to find a professional diver and learn some basics.

Precautions To Be Taken Before Diving Into The Sea

Deep-sea diving is not like going out for dinner or lunch. You need to plan for everything. Or else things can go worse. Keep in mind some points when going for a deep-sea dive.

  1. Visiting your dentist is mandatory. It is observed that about 41 percent of diers suffer from serious toothache. This is due to changing water pressure in the air pockets at the root of your teeth.

  2. Plan your dive according to your expertise and experience. Remember, dive to enjoy, it is not a competition. Do not push your limits. Just go for fun. Set your bottom time and depth according to your limits and preparations.

  3. Perform a pre-dive safety check. See if your equipments are working properly. Especially check for pressure gauge and Oxygen tank.

  4. Always dive with an experienced partner. Do not go beyond your set depth and bottom time.

Tools And Equipments You Should Carry

Now, let’s quickly look at some must-have tools and equipments for your deep-sea diving. Remember to keep them along with you.

  1. Moray Diver’s Communication Torch: It is a powerful torchlight with an eight-hour lightning time. It has a noisemaker that can be heard from a distance of 100 feet. The reach of the light is 500 feet.

  2. Oceanic B.U.D Backup DC: Divers usually rely on dive computers and monitors. But in case of emergency, the device is capable of providing you all the backup. It is just a watch-like device that can be easily kept with you.

  3. Space Air 300: It comes with a 3-foot bottle, nylon cover, a regulator, lanyard, and a mouthpiece cover. It can provide you some extra breathers in any case of emergency.

  4. A Compass: Keep a nice working compass with you in order to track your location.

  5. A Sharp Blade: Be it a knife or blade, it is necessary to keep one with you. In any situation, it can be used to save your life.

Keep These Things In Mind When Going Into The Sea

Now, when you are all set to dive, follow these rules in order to dive safely into the sea. According to Do My Dissertation UK, it very important to go for a proper medical check, as deep-sea dives involve many health-risk factors.

When you are done with all the check-ups, these steps will help you follow a safer dive.

  1. When you are in the water, set your dive watch. Check your compass and establish proper direction or orientation.

  2. Now, give your buddy a signal so that you both can start descending.

  3. Now, slowly deflate your BCD (buoyancy compensation device).

  4. Descend together and maintain a small distance with your buddy. Descend closely together to your set depth. Keep watching your buddy for signs of any problems or issues like Nitrogen Narcosis.

  5. Do not be troubled due to the change in temperature. It is called thermocline and it is natural while diving into the sea.

  6. Keep monitoring your depth. Do not go beyond your planned depth. Check for pressure gauge and air tank. You must have enough air to ascend back to the boat.

  7. When you want to ascend, signal your buddy. You both should start ascending together.

  8. Ascend at the normal rate i.e. 20 meters per minute. Do not try to be fast.

  9. Perform a safety stop at a depth of 5 meters. Stay here for 3 minutes and then ascend back to the back after deploying your DSMB.

Before diving keep all these things in mind and I hope you will enjoy your deep-sea dive. Best of luck!

Author Bio:

Gloria Kopp is currently working as a Health Specialist and Career Counselor at Ace Assignment and EssaysnAssignments, where students often ask to do my coursework for me UK. Gloria loves to interact with new people and explore the world by traveling in different cultures on the planet.


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