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written by Nikolas Wells

How Do You Find the Best Quality Emerald Gemstones?

You are in the right place if you are fond of emerald gemstones. In this article, you will know how to choose an emerald gem. There are many types of gemstones, so choosing the right and original gemstone is essential. Emeralds possess a mesmerizing and enchanting beauty. They emanate eternal hope, faithfulness, and love. Emeralds are commonly found in engagement rings and rank among the top four most valuable gemstones in the world. So, to know more about the same, continue reading.

Emeralds’ origins can be traced back to Egypt’s history.

Alexander the Great took over Egypt in 332 B.C. and promptly turned the nation into a hub for culture and education, making it a grain and papyrus supplier. In this period of wealth, the Egyptians excavated some of the earliest emerald mines globally.

Egyptian miners referred to the uncut green gemstones they discovered as smaragdos, which translates to “green gem” in English. Ancient jewelers started cutting and polishing the gemstones to include them in necklaces, armor, and sculptures. Before long, all the wealthy and prestigious individuals in the nation possessed emeralds of different sizes and grades.

Qualities that make it unique and original


Another vital element is the emerald’s soul the internal physical characteristic that makes it unique and defines its quality. This is an expensive and vibrant green gemstone used as an exotic ornament called Panna stone, and the color of the stone is one of the most critical factors in deciding the quality of the emerald. It will be preferred if the collector aims to get the emeralds in an actual green color with a slight blue tinge. Do not buy stones that are either too light or have a yellow hue, as they are very unlikely to be sufficiently intense.

Clarity: The Brilliance Within

The term clarity can, therefore, describe any internal features and external blemishes of an emerald gemstone. It is understood that emeralds inherently include natural inclusions that are formed during the emerald formation process, but it is essential to select stones that do not contain eye-visible flaws. Go for transparent gems; that is, allow light to pass through their structure.


Similar to other gemstones, the shape and size of an emerald really dictate its overall outlook. One good example is the cut of an emerald, which will amplify that aspect to ensure that colored rays bounce light in the right manner. Avoid buying emeralds with sharp, angular bases and curved facets that have good proportions in the setting.

Carat Weight:

Carat weight is the size of the emerald, and the larger the emerald, the higher the value of the stone. However, it is important to note that it is not the carat weight that determines the emerald’s quality. Different size and quality: It is also important to note that an emerald of a lower carat that is well-colored, clear, and well-cut will fetch a higher price than a bigger stone with fewer characteristics.

You should select the carat weight of the emerald based on its durability, price, and your tastes. Therefore, the best approach in the selection process must embrace both size and quality to maximize your return on investment. You can also go with the emeralds for sale option, as this will make your dream real at affordable prices.

In Conclusion

The emerald stone has its own pride and has a very nice, firm texture that you can buy to bring prosperity and happiness into your life. An emerald crystal is pure green when it contains the ideal mix of chromium and vanadium and only a small amount of iron. Emeralds that are pure green typically have very few visible undertones and are usually the most prized emeralds. In modern times, you can also get lab created emerald if you do not have the budget to buy the real ones.


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