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written by Freddy Decker

7 Types of Doctors Who Treat Varicose Veins

Varicose veins are one of the chronic vein diseases and are associated with spider veins. Older people are at greater risk of suffering from varicose veins as compared to more youthful people.

Wondering what kind of specialist treats varicose veins? Healthcare specialists in radiology, vascular surgery, and dermatology are capable of creating various venous diseases.

Vascular Surgeons

Healthcare providers, referred to as vascular surgeons, lead the medical field in treating vascular and venous diseases. What doctor treats varicose veins who treat vascular system problems possess a medical license alongside specialized knowledge about both vascular anatomy and multiple disorders.

Interventional Radiologists

Interventional radiologists have the ability to provide treatment for diseases affecting the veins, including varicose veins. Through minimally invasive techniques combined with advanced imaging tools, they perform medical treatments for diverse conditions.

Varicose veins are typically treated by specialist vein doctors and interventional radiologists.

Your vein treatment doctors will create a small opening on the skin surface above visible veins before inserting a thin tube called a catheter through this opening to treat these varicose veins. The leading part of the thin tube connects to a small device that creates heat energy, raising the vein temperature. Finally, the interventional radiologist will seal the wound through surgical stitches.


Phlebologists treat both varicose veins and other venous diseases with their specialized training. Specialized medical training prepares phlebologists to diagnose, prevent, treat, and restore varicose veins and a range of other venous diseases. Make sure to contact a reliable vein treatment clinic like Advanced Medical Group to receive specialized care.

What Is Varicose Veins And Why Is Treatment Essential?

Dark purple or blue-colored swelling veins appear as twisting veins that become enlarged in structure. Doctors usually locate these varicose veins along specific leg areas around behind the knee joint and near the inner surfaces of your thigh. Your legs show the most frequent occurrence of varicose veins, but these swollen, twisted veins can actually form throughout your whole body.

The primary symptom of varicose veins appears as large dark purple and blue discolorations of surface veins that become swollen and twisted. If varicose veins are not treated, you may experience other symptoms as well, which include:

● Pain and discomfort in legs

● Twisted, visible veins

● Heavy legs and numbness

● Frequent cramps (particularly calves and thighs)

● Ankle or feet swelling

● Itchy sensations

● Non-healing ulcers or skin sores

● Leg swelling

● Redness of ankles or legs

● Scaly, cracked, dry skin

● varicose vein doctor

Different Treatment Options For Varicose Veins

● Endovenous thermal ablation or laser therapy

● Sclerotherapy or injection therapy

● Patients can choose between vein surgery and ligation along with stripping procedures.

● Using elastic or supportive stockings

When you need rest, position your legs to decrease pressure on critical veins and optimize blood flow.

The most effective way to avoid varicose veins involves regular exercise together with staying active. Measure activity by changing your position every 30 minutes because long-lasting positions increase the risk of developing varicose veins. People who carry excess weight need to reduce their body fat levels because varicose veins become more likely to develop.


Varicose veins are a common vein disease that affects mostly older people and women. If you have been suffering from varicose veins for a long period of time or are physically strained, you may feel extreme pain and discomfort. In that case, it is best to visit a vein specialist, phlebologist, interventional radiologist, or vascular surgeon to get treated quickly. If you're looking for vein treatment near me, you can easily find a qualified specialist who can help address your varicose veins effectively.


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