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written by flackflores

The Benefits of Full Mouth Implants: Why They Might Be Right for You

Are you searching for solutions to restore your smile and oral health? Full mouth dental implants, also known as full-arch dental implants or all on X implants, provide a transformative option for those with extensive tooth loss or severe dental issues. Edge Dental Houston specializes in advanced treatments, including full mouth restoration and sleep dentistry, ensuring a comfortable and effective experience for every patient.

What Are Full Mouth Implants?

Full mouth implants restore all of the teeth in the upper, lower, or both arches of your mouth with the use of implants in certain positions. Unlike conventional dentures this treatment is stable, long-term and provides aesthetic and functional appearance of the natural teeth. Some of the internationally practiced concepts are All-on-X, These require placement of between four and six implants per arch to mount a full fixed restoration.

Benefits of Full Mouth Dental Implants

1. Improved Functionality: You don’t feel embarrassed whenever you chew food, talk or laugh because the lower denture is tightly fixed and secure.

2. Natural Appearance: Dental prosthetics are made to resemble and fit the look and feel of actual teeth perfectly.

3. Durability: Full arch dental implants when well maintained and taken care of can last for more than twenty years.

4. Bone Health: Dental implants encourage bone formation within the jaw ,which prevents the bone loss that occurs with missing teeth.

5. Comfortable Fit: The prosthetics are anchored in one position which results in no more soreness or rubbing.

The Process of Full Mouth Restoration

1. Consultation and Evaluation: The process is also tight starting with an assessment done at Edge Dental Houston. With state-of-art technology, they scan your bone density, gum condition, and your general health of your mouth.

2. Treatment Planning: Whether you are interested in All-on-X implants or any other scheme of full arch implants, they design a unique concept map to fit your situation.

3. Placement of Implants: The implants are inserted directly into the bone of the jaw. Within just a few months after their placement, they bond with the surrounding bone giving increased mechanical properties to the structure.

4. Temporary Prosthetic: During the healing, some patients are given a temporary denture to eat and smile with until your new implants and dentures are ready.

5. Final Restoration: Subsequently, a new long-term implant that will be personalized to fit you is placed, to give you a complete mouth rehabilitation.

Sleep Dentistry for a Stress-Free Experience

Most patients have some level of fear towards any dental procedure and especially the surgical ones. Finding full mouth dental implants near me in Houston, TX, at their full mouth dental implants service provider, they use sleep dentistry. Their sedation solutions include oral sedation and four sedation so that during your surgery, you will be as comfortable as possible.

Why Choose Edge Dental Houston?

Dental Houston is your go-to company whether you need a full mouth restoration near me or a sleep dentist Houston. They have a team of professional and experienced staff and incorporate up to date equipment and friendly services. Their full mouth dental implants specialists and through the Affordable Dentures family of dental practices offer the dental implant solution you need full arch dental implants or full mouth dental implants and the personalized service you deserve.

Schedule Your Consultation

Are you ashamed of your bad teeth so you always hide your smile, full mouth implants will help change this. Contact full arch dental implants near me dentist in Houston today to make an appointment and speak to us about your dental health restoration options. These common goals guarantee you leave their dental practice with a smile you can maintain for a lifetime.


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