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written by flackflores

Enhancing Your Smile: The Benefits of Crown Lengthening Surgery

Have you ever felt self-conscious about your smile when you glanced in the mirror because you thought your teeth were too small or uneven? Crown lengthening surgery may be the answer you've been looking for if so. This straightforward process can make your smile more attractive and help your general oral health. This article will examine the advantages of crown lengthening surgery in this post using simple language.

What Is Surgery to Lengthen the Crown?

A dental technique called crown lengthening surgery exposes more of your tooth's surface by removing extra gum tissue and, occasionally, a small bit of bone. The reason it's termed "crown lengthening" is that it makes the visible portion of your tooth above the gumline, the crown, appear longer.

What Are The Benefits of Crown Lengthening Surgery?

Improved Smile Aesthetics

The improvement of your smile's appearance is one of the main advantages of dental crown lengthening. This operation can disclose more of your teeth and give them a longer, more proportionate appearance if you have a "gummy smile," where your gums conceal too much of your teeth. You might become more appealing and self-assured when you grin.

Better Tooth Restoration

Crown lengthening can be essential when you need to have a dental crown or veneer placed. By exposing more of the tooth structure it allows your dentist to create a secure and natural-looking restoration. This ensures that your new dental crowns near me in Houston fit correctly and function properly.

Enhanced Oral Health

In some cases, excessive gum tissue can make it challenging to maintain good oral hygiene. Inadequate cleaning around your teeth and gums can result in problems, including gum disease and tooth decay. Surgery to extend the crown might make it easier to brush and floss, maintaining the condition of your teeth and gums.

Treatment for Gum Disease

If you have advanced gum disease, crown lengthening cost and surgery might be part of your treatment plan. By reducing the depth of gum pockets around your teeth, it becomes easier to clean and treat the infected areas. This can help control gum disease and prevent its progression.

Tooth Exposure for Orthodontic Work

If you're undergoing orthodontic treatment, your orthodontist might recommend crown lengthening to expose more of certain teeth. This is often necessary when teeth are partially covered by gum tissue and need to be properly aligned. Crown lengthening makes it possible to move these teeth into their correct positions.

Painless Procedure

Crown lengthening surgery is typically done under local anesthesia, ensuring that you won't feel any pain during the procedure. This means you can improve your smile and oral health without discomfort.


A dental operation called crown lengthening surgery can improve your smile, your oral health, and your ability to get the restorative work you need. It's a reasonably easy, painless surgery that heals quickly. Ask top dentists in houston or periodontists if crown lengthening is a good option for you if you're not satisfied with the way your smile looks or if you have dental problems that call for it. Keep in mind that a stunning grin not only increases your self-confidence but also benefits your general health.


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