My family had planned to go on pretty much a world tour, beginning with Rome. We then planned to stay aboard the liveaboard for a couple of days, enough for my parents to reach their hundredth dive with Snefro Fleet. That was exactly what we did, and I must say, I loved this diving experience more than any other that I have had. The crew was very accommodating, and the food was just amazing. I would come back without any hesitation, no doubt about it!
Buceo excelente, el equipo alquilado en perfectas condiciones. Dive masters profesionales, personal de a bordo atentos y agradables
Die King Snefro of Love list sehr schön and die Crew sympatisch . Ein total entspanter tauchurlaub mit vielen tollen erlebnissen.
A great trip on the Sinai Classic itinerary. The Thistlegorm is a must do dive and worthy of the world class dive site status.
Great crew and excellent dive guide in Ahmed.
I can recommend this trip without reservation.
Eine wunderschöne Woche auf der Snefro Love geht leider schon wieder vorbei! Mit unseren guten Tauchguides haben wir tolle Tauchgänge erleben dürfen. Das Boot und Ihre Crew trugen zu einer gelungenen Safari bei! Das einzig Nagative war, dass in unserem Zimmer die Klimaanlage nicht immer funktioniert hat, die Crew aber ihr möglichtest getan hat um diese wieder zu reparieren / auszuwechseln. Wir freuen uns heute schon auf die nächste Safari mit Euch allen (-;
Nach einem langen Flug mit Verspätungen wurden wir nett empfangen und zum Boot King Snefro 6 gebracht. Die Kabinen sind zweckmäßig, sauber mit Du/Wc, die Betten so breit, dass man sogar zu zweit darin liegen könnte.
Die Crew versorgte uns mit leckerem Essen, drei Mahlzeiten und mehreren Snacks nach jedem Tauchgang, zB. Obstsäfte, Fruchtcocktail, Cakes usw. Die Crew war sehr aufmerksam, hilfsbereit und immer gut gelaunt. Am letzten Abend gab es ein umfangreiches BBQ - bereits die Zubereitung war ein köstlicher Anblick!
Diese tolle Erfahrung -unsere erste Bootssafari- wurde dann noch von den sympathischen Mittauchern, den unglaublich schönen bunten Tauchplätzen und zwei Begegnungen mit Delfinen gekrönt! Da lohnt sich auch die vielleicht umständlichere Anreise!
This was my first lob experience but I have to say that I cannot find a single flaw from any aspect of my experience with snefo love. Coming from the service industry myself, I dug high and low for any areas of improvement but I found none. The crew were happy in what they do. They really anticipated our needs throughout our stay. Really excellent!
It was the First live aboard trip for me so nothing I can compare to, however every minutes under water and on the boat I enjoyed, great dives, friendly and helpful crew, excellent service, comfortable atmosphere and more. We were well looked after and were pumpered, especially the last day was my birthday and they made my day ! Our guide, Ashamed was a star, made sure he brought Shark on the last dive, organized surprised birthday party with cake and present. Those little things made big difference. I highly recommend to everyone to dive with these guys, you can guarantee have special holiday for Sure !
die crew der king snerfo love list sehr um days wohlbefinden der gäste bemüht. Es gibt (viel) gutes Essen und super guides mit denen das tauchen richtig viel spass macht! Danke fur allies!
I had one of the most amazing diving trips. The crew was very friendly, food was delicious, and the most important is that our guides were following the safety measures all the time.
Getting the ideal Dive Experience is a great feeling and few things compare the perfect dive. Having said that, everyone’s definition of a perfect dive greatly varies but one thing that would be useful to any diver is information.
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We feel that reviews of various businesses and locations are some of the most valuable benefits that the internet has brought about. There are people that truly deliver a good service and take pride in the work they do and then there are those who are in for the short term profit. It is important to distinguish these businesses and reward the ones who deserve your money.
In the long run, we aim to become a central and objective body that centralizes user generated content and provides an easily usable database of information that will hopefully improve the quality of the industry as a whole and improve the user experience across the board.