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Dream Dive

Dream Dive

0 reviews 0 Russia flagRussia

Moscow, 121596 Tolbukhina Street 10 Korpus 3

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Dive Shop Information:


    Dive Certifying Bodies we are affiliated or certified by

    PADI, Dive Shops, Dive Resorts, Dive Boats and Recreational Facilities

Additional Notes

Many of us discovered diving while watching a fascinating documentary television series, exploring the seabed with the brave divers from the team of Jacques-Yves Cousteau. Of course, we knew that diving - a dive to a depth of a special outfit that there are such types, as a military or technical diving, divers have seen bulky spacesuits during the rescue, but the great Frenchman has revealed another diving.

And we suddenly realized that the equipment can be beautiful, but it's an exciting experience opens up unprecedented prospects for the conquest of the land and the sky apart and even deep sea and touching their eternal secrets. Today, diving has become a favorite pastime of millions, even more so now that for this universally open diving-centers and clubs, courses of study, there are various dive-tours.

Dive Sites:

Name Distance

Western Bridge, Moscow


13.51 km

Spas Kamenka


48.22 km

Desnogorsk, Smolensk NPS


314.1 km

Sokolovskiy Pit


545.32 km

Abondoned ships near Chernobyl


685.14 km

Volga River Kazan Klucishe


725.25 km

Volga River Matushino


728.5 km



737.48 km

Disney, Kadavu


737.48 km

Bird Wall


737.48 km

Evil Wall


737.48 km

Frog Hole


737.48 km

Jolames Point


737.48 km

Melis Site


737.48 km

Becon Point


737.48 km

The list reflects the locations visible in the map. Please zoom out

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Russia flagRussia
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  • Dream Dive
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