Sleep apnea is a medical term used to tell stopped or slowed breathing. Sleep apnea can affect people of all ages, and the causes of it may depend on the type of sleep apnea.
Sleep apnea usually occurs when you sleep. For this reason, called sleep apnea. A doctor can help treat sleep apnea with medications, appliances, and lifestyle changes. Or sometimes you need surgery. Sleep apnea can also lead to brain and heart problems due to a lack of oxygen. You should seek a dentist for treatments for mild sleep apnea so it won’t advance further.
Apnea occurs when the airways marry down, or your brain fails to send signals to breathe.
This type of sleep apnea occurs when a restriction/obstruction in your airways prevents proper breathing. One of the main causes of obstructive sleep apnea is enlarged tonsils or glands in your mouth.
Central apnea
During central apnea, your brain stops functioning properly for breathing signals. This may form sleep apnea, most common in immature babies, and results in improper development of this brain area. Some certain brain and serious problems can cause this as well. Seek a dentist for treatments for obstructive sleep apnea if you experience any signs and symptoms.
This sleep apnea is a mixture of central and obstructive sleep apnea.
Sleep apnea has many causes:
During sleep apnea, a person is unable to breathe continuously due to narrowing airways which can cause loud snoring and long breaks between the breath.
There are many types of sleep apnea. Each class has unique characteristics and causes:
You should contact a dentist if you develop any signs and signals of sleep apnea disorder.
If you find any of these problems, you should consider contacting a dentist for sleep apnea treatment and diagnosis.
Treatment sleep apnea options vary widely and depend on what kind of apnea you suffer and its causes. Before offering sleep apnea treatment adults, your dentist will ask questions about
If you suffer from sleep apnea symptoms, you should consider contacting a dentist for a sleep test to know what you are suffering from.
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