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written by Agnes

Is Central Sleep Apnea Worse Than Obstructive?

Central sleep apnea is a disorder that hurts your sleep means this your breath will cease continously during sleep. This can repeatedly occur throughout the whole sleep session and leads to a sleepy day. The interruption of your breathing can be a big problem, such as accidents and low concentration on your work. In this procedure, your brain not sends signals to breathe during sleep.

Central apnea isn't the same as obstructive sleep apnea. In obstructive sleep apnea, you may feel an interruption of breathing due to blockage or narrowed airways. But people with central sleep apnea don't have a blockage in their airways. This problem starts with your muscles and brain that send signals to your brain to breathe during sleep.

Central apnea is less common than obstructive sleep apnea. According to reliable studies, people with central sleep apnea are about 20% of sleep apnea cases.

What Causes Central Sleep Apnea?

Here are some underlying health conditions of central sleep apnea disorder. During this disorder, your brain stops telling your muscles to function. Your stem is the section of your brain that connects to your spinal cord. A medical problem that affects the brainstem, spinal cord, or heart can develop central sleep apnea. So, you should find a doctor who can help you subsidies symptoms at theaffordable cost of sleep apnea.

Your spinal cord is connected with both ends, one at the brainstem section and another at your brain. Medical conditions that affect your brainstems, heart, or spinal cord give birth to central sleep apnea problems. So if you experience any such symptoms, you should seek a dentist for various other alternative treatment for sleep apnea that helps you relieve your problem.

Three are some examples of these conditions in more brief:

  • Stroke
  • Heart attack
  • Congestive heart failure
  • A weak breathing
  • Arthritis in the cervical spine
  • Encephalitis
  • Affect of surgery or radiation in the spice.

Other Causes of central apnea

Some medications that can cause a type of sleep apnea are called drug-induced apnea. Drugs that affect your health and give birth to apnea:

  • Morphine
  • Codeine
  • Oxycodone

There is one more type of apnea called idiopathic central apnea, in which your dentist can't identify its cause and symptoms.

What Are the Signs of Central Sleep Apnea?

The most common symptom of apnea is short breathing stoppage during sleep. Some people exhibit shallow breathing instead of stopping breathing. You might wake up due to shortness of breath. The lack of oxygen can cause an interruption in breathing and make you wake up frequently throughout the night, leading to insomnia. Thus, seeking a doctor for central sleep apnea treatments.

Other symptoms of central sleep apnea occur during the and result in interruption during sleep. You may feel sleepy the next day and have trouble concentrating or focusing on tasks and headaches.

Central sleep apnea can cause Parkinson's disease or a neurological condition that has additional symptoms, including

  • Difficulty while swallowing
  • General weakness
  • Change in voice and speech patterns


Suppose your bed partner finds any problem related to your sleep. It would be best to immediately contact a dentist for thorough, affordable sleep apnea treatment and diagnosis. They may recommend a CPAP treatment sleep apnea to cease the problem.

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