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Copy-of-Sclerotherapy-shutterstock_1283406964-scaled (1)
written by Andrew Hadley

Radiofrequency ablation: Treatment Procedure And Side Effects.

Venous insufficiency resulting in varicose veins can cause serious consequences. When the venous reflux causes the failure of the primary valves, you may need a vein treatment California.

The superficial veins’ insufficiency may lead to further complications including varicose veins and venous ulcers. Therefore, it is necessary to manage the issues regarding vein disorders in time. Since medical technology has been advanced, there are various kinds of vein treatments available to treat them. Radiofrequency ablation is one of them. Make an appointment with a vein doctor near me san Jose for proper diagnosis and treatment.


Radiofrequency ablation:

Radiofrequency ablation is one of the minimally invasive treatments for varicose veins. Ablation refers to the process in which a vein specialist near me San Jose uses heat to destroy the damaged tissue and forms scar tissue. This scar tissue lets the close the vein.

This vein treatment California is based on radiofrequency energy to heat up and damage the diseased vein walls. This technique closes off a varicose vein in the leg.

Treatment process:

In order to treat varicose veins, professionals use radiofrequency energy, directed through a thin tube through a tiny incision in the vein. Then, they pass an electrical current through the catheter within the vein. Then, they pass the heat of the temperature of 120 C inside the vein in order to destroy it. To complete this process efficiently, the professionals tie diseased veins tightly around the catheter so that the possible compression can be applied to the vein. The varicose vein treatment California is conducted under the administration of tumescent anesthesia.

After the vein treatment san Diego, you will be recommended to wear compression stockings for about one week or more. Your doctor will use a duplex ultrasound machine to make sure that the vein has been closed.

Who Is A Suitable Candidate For RFA?

Patients with a saphenous vein (along thigh) and or small saphenous vein (back of the calf) reflux are suitable for RFA. They should have a straight vein so that the laser fiber can be passed easily. It may be possible they will be injected around the vein with fluid so they do not get burnt, but this event is rare.

Which veins cannot be treated by RFA?

If you have largely visible tortuous varicose veins, they can’t be treated with this varicose vein treatment San Diego. Moreover, thread and reticular veins also can’t be treated with RFA. Veins should be straight to enable the catheter to pass. Get the suitable spider vein treatment California to get rid of the unsightly veins.

Is This Procedure Safe?

Side effects of the procedure may be;

  • Patients may experience burning sensations over the treated area of the skin.
  • Prickling after the recovery.
  • Blood clotting in a deep vein.


How well does it work?

When this procedure is conducted by an experienced doctor, the chances of the success of the treatment are good. Most of the time, Radiofrequency ablation delivers successful results. Rarely it happens that you won’t get what you expect from the method.

It is less likely that you will experience any pain after the procedure. In any case, if the veins do not close, they can be treated again.

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