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written by Andrew Hadley

Different Stages Of Vein disease:

What is Vein Disease?

The venous body system is made up of veins using a series of valves inside them. These valves function to transport the blood from the lower parts of the body to the heart. When the vein walls are damaged due to additional blood pressure. The blood starts pooling within the venous system that may lead to damaged veins and sometimes it may cause the development of blood clots. With the passing of time, it may lead to vein disease. Visit a vein clinic for the best vein treatment only done by a vein specialist.


The Stages of Vein Disease:

There are various stages of vein diseases:

Early Stages:

The common symptoms of early stages vein disease may include:

Spider Veins: twisted red or purple colored superficial veins visible like spider webs on the surface of the skin of legs or face. Get spider vein treatment to get rid of them.

Varicose veins: these types of veins are twisted and bulging by nature. Most often they cause leg pain, inflammation, itching, heaviness, and restlessness. Varicose veins have become a very common issue recently. Such a condition requires the attention of a vein doctor.

Later Stages:

The late-stage symptoms of vein disease may include:

Skin Changes and Swelling:

When the venous system does not function properly, the blood starts pooling causing veins to enlarge and stretch especially around the ankles. The pooled blood may also cause changes in skin color which means your skin color may be red or pale. Consult a vein doctor near me immediately to avoid further consequences.

Venous Leg Ulcers:

When blood flow becomes improper, the skin does not receive the nutrients. As a result, the wound can’t heal and may end in ulcers. After some time leg ulcers can be painful and infected. A vein specialist near me can help relieve them effectively.


When to Act:

When vein disease is not treated timely, you may experience faulty blood flow that can damage the lymphatic system. Eventually, it may result in the accumulation of lipid which is one of the major factors in damage to the vein walls. The best time to take action about them is when you start noticing the symptoms at an early stage so that you can minimize the possibilities of the progression of the disease.

Treatment Options:

There is a range of different vein treatment near me options available, that may include;

Compression stockings: used to sustain damaged veins and maintain normal circulation.

Antibiotics: your doctor may prescribe anti-inflammatories to counter infection and relieve inflammation. Sclerotherapy includes injections into the abnormal veins that rearrange the blood route through the healthy veins.

Endovenous thermal ablation: This method is based on the technique of laser energy. The vein specialist transmits the laser high-frequency radio waves directly to the diseased veins to close them so that blood can’t flow through them.

Surgical ligation and removal:

The following procedure involves tying off the abnormal veins before their elimination. However, the early stage of vein disease is harmless and people think that it does need any medical attention. But if they want the best outcomes, they have to take action on it sooner or later.

Hence get the treatment in time to avoid severe consequences of venous diseases.

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