I own Seattle's underwater camera store, Optical Ocean Sales. We're a dealer for all major brands. We dive and sell underwater cameras, housings, trays, arms, strobes, and other underwater photography products. I have more than 1300 dives in 10 countries around the world and lead dive trips at least twice a year.
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Fourteen underwater photographers joined on an expedition to the Rock Islands of Palau in late November of 2013. After a long flight, they joined onboard the Palau Aggressor liveaboard on an extended, 10 day cruise.
Raja Ampat in Indonesia, has always held a lot of fascination for me. Customers on their way there, or just back, were awestruck by the area. “Best in the diving in the world!” they’d say, but having dove for many years, I’ve heard that before…
Five NEW FREE Handbooks join our Basics of Better UW Photography Series, and are now in the Optical Ocean Sales Education Resource Center. These downloadable Acrobat files are easy-to-read with lots of photos and illustrations to help you gain basic skills and understanding of their subjects.
There are several components that go into a lighting system. Here's a description of each and how they work together to make one awesome lighting system!
What's right for you? That might seem like a silly question, but it is not always obvious to people what factors are involved in determining how much lighting they need.
A review of the Nauticam NA-A7/ Sony A7 in the Sea of Cortez.