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Advice for diving SANTA ROSA MARINE RESORT III (85ft) in United States

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Advice on Diving in United States

...ous marine aquarium and marine conservation center in the United States. The entire town seems to hold an appreciation for marine preservation and underway exploration. Hawaii is the remote Pacific beauty of the Unites States, with stunning landscapes and a love for water sports. The beaches of the Hawaiian islands vary greatly in intensity of surf and current, some shorelines have pounding waves making it impossible to dive. Other beaches offer coves and inlets with shallow, calm waters ideal for shore diving or close off shore boating excursions. Hawaii offers the surf of California and t...

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Read "Part 2: Dive Sites, Marine Life & Environment in United States"

Read "Part 3: Dive Shops, Airports & Logistics of Diving in United States"
Dive Logs

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Name Distance

Bay Breeze Dive Center

United States

32.06 km

Niuhi Dive Charters

United States

32.46 km

MBT Dive Center

United States

35.42 km

Gulf Coast Dive Pros

United States

37.36 km

Florida Dive Pros

United States

37.37 km

The Reef Dive Shop, OBA

United States

44.84 km

The list reflects the locations visible in the map. Please zoom out

Name Distance

PNS | Regional

United States, Pensacola

42.75 km

NDP | Ellyson NAS

United States, Pensacola FL

49.5 km

GUF | Edwards

United States, Gulf Shores

53.13 km

NHX | Barin Olf Osn

United States, Foley

61.47 km

DSI | Destin-Fort Walton Beach Airport

United States, Destin

69.9 km

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