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written by Jesper Friis

Wonderland indeed

I have no words to describe such an amazing experience, since long ago I always wanted to do something like that but I just thought it was expensive and I left it for a future moment, as we use to do with many things in our life. Then you realize you have pass your life purchasing stuff that you can´t even remember and letting your money (and your time with it) running out of your hands for something that just bring you a fast trivial sense of happiness that flew away after the next shopping experience… everything aiming to destroy this awesome planet we live in and that we should protect.

One third of the deep coral reef has disappeared already. Deep reefs are carbonated structures and its presence favors a high diversity around as they are many different marine organisms. Corals prevent beach erosion, capture carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere and fix it in their skeletons, this process makes reef sites permanent sequestration of atmospheric carbon, thus, allows the stability of different ecosystems as well, its lost therefore is causing disturbances in the natural balance of nature, unfortunately its loss is largely due to anthropocentric causes. So let´s bring more experiences to our lifetime and less product which will pollute in one way or another and vanish in the oblivion. Make thoughtful choices and learn about the amazing world you are part of…

So let keep with the experience…

You know… That is an experience that I know for sure I will remember the rest of my whole life, and this is priceless.

Today I discovered a new world, an unknown and unbelievably beautiful world under the ocean. When I thought about diving I was mostly thinking about seeing beautiful and big fish down there, nevertheless I saw much more than that, I saw a whole world full of super bright colorful houses which were alive, I saw a whole world of new delighting creatures that make you wonder how many colors do we actually have seen in our lives. I saw the most amazing shapes never seen before, I saw mandala everywhere…

I was so captivated that I just wanted to remain there few more minutes, in every shape… just to process what I was witnessing; I couldn't believe my eyes, really. The time just flew so fast that by the instant we had to come back I felt that I just discovered a full new world in-existent for me before that I just want to explore. I could stay there hours staring at every little thing in there…

When we emerged to prepare our way back I felt myself so full of emotions that make me just want to shout and jump all over, it was such a pleasant and childish feeling of discovering a new passion that bring you thousand of emotions at the same time you can´t explain. It was like a natural drug doing it effect in my body and entrancing me in the desire of coming again down there as many times as possible in each chance I get.

Be ready to experience a real addiction that will not let you indifferent but that you will always remember with a huge smile in your face. Let´s buy experiences that we will never forget, let´s make of your time something meaningful.

Totally, highly recommended!

Vannesa Naranjo


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