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Scuba Instructor in Key Largo, Florida Keys with a Dive Center Sea Dwellers Dive Center of Key Largo.


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    Beata Toermer (adowemkt) Nowa Era to księgarnia internetowa, w której każdy może odnaleźć coś dla siebie! Asortyment księgarni jest bardzo bogaty, a poszczególne kategorie oferty pozwolą intuicyjnie znaleźć atrakcyjne dla Państwa pozycje. W ofercie Nowej Ery znalazły się min. czasopisma, książki, pomoce dydaktyczne i książki do nauki języków. Prócz tego Księgarnia udostępnia Klientom interesujące materiały multimedialne, a mnóstwo nowości, bestsellery oraz promocje sprawiają, że na pewno pośród licznych pozycji w asortymencie odkryją Państwo tą, która odpowiada konkretnym potrzebom.

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End Of Media Stream

Posted on: March 10, 2018


Scuba Diving as Therapy for the Soul!

In a world where it can be challenging to find clarity and substance; and self-growth is often overlooked, we are given extraordinary opportunities as divers to learn more about ourselves.

Posted on: December 27, 2017


Fighting for the reefs in Key Largo, and everywhere!

In recent history, coral reefs have been faced with large scale bleaching due to warmer water temperatures and ocean acidification. In Chasing Coral you are shown a rapid bleaching event, but it doesn’t always happen that quickly. Here at Sea Dwellers Dive Center in the Keys, we have faced a few bleaching events and the reefs are not thriving as they once were even five years ago.Here is what each of us can do to help fight Global warming on a personal level.

Posted on: November 28, 2017


Jacques Cousteau - The Father of Scuba diving

Many younger scuba divers today are not aware, but in 1942, Cousteau invented an underwater demand valve system that could supply divers with air when they breathed. This demand regulator was called “Aqua-Lung”, (same as the scuba equipment manufacturer today), and it eventually opened the door to scuba diving for everyone.

Posted on: August 6, 2017


Key Largo Fall Hotel Package Special

Sea Dwellers Dive Center offers Key Largo diving packages with 3 different Hotels, all on the centrally located Key Largo Harbor Marina, just steps from your dive boats!

Posted on: July 11, 2017


Advancing your Scuba Diving Education

Continuing your education is a great tool to see something new or different if you’re starting to feel like you need something new!

Posted on: April 4, 2017

For dive shop: Sea Dwellers Dive Center of Key Largo


The Florida Keys are One of a Kind

And it started me thinking about our islands down here, the Florida Keys, and how unique they really are! The Florida Keys is the only area on the North American continent that exhibits traits of a “Tropical” environment!

Posted on: February 4, 2016

Lionfish in Key Largo

So why are Lionfish bad? According to the Reef Environmental Education Foundation, (REEF), “Indo-pacific Red Lionfish (Pterois volitans) have been documented along the entire US East Coast from Florida through Massachusetts, east to Bermuda and south throughout the Caribbean. The expansion has been extremely rapid and exponential in scope.”

Posted on: July 9, 2015


Sea Dwellers Dive Center an SSI facility!

Sea Dwellers Dive Center just spent part of last week completing our SSI Instructor Training Course. This means that we are now not only PADI Instructors but also SSI Instructors.

Posted on: April 12, 2014

Why Do We Travel?

“Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it solely on these accounts.” –Mark Twain And we all have that one thing in common…or, should I say 2 things…Scuba Diving & Travel. So here’s to the next great travel experience in Key Largo for all of us!


