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Dive Brockville Adventure Centre

Dive Brockville Adventure Centre

0 reviews 0 Canada flagCanada

Brockville, ON K6V 1A1 12 Water Street East

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Dive Shop Information:


    Accommodation at or immediately near your dive shop YES

    From big hotels to B&B’s to campsites, the 1000 Islands Region has a great place for everyone to stay. Be sure to ask if there is a “Diver Rate” when you book your accommodation!


    Dive Certifying Bodies we are affiliated or certified by

    PADI, Dive Shops, Dive Resorts, Dive Boats and Recreational Facilities

Additional Notes

About Us

Since 1994, Abucs scubA Charters has been offering personalized dive charters to the world-class shipwrecks in the 1000 Islands Region of the St. Lawrence River.

Over the past twenty-three years, we have grown from a single charter vessel to a full-service operation with a fleet of Five Transport Canada approved charter boats, and CSA-approved air-station offering air and nitrox. Making the Abucs the largest, and longest established dive charter company in the 1000 Islands region.

Dive Brockville Adventure Centre, Brockville's only full-service dive shop, offers a full range of support for divers and adventures for the whole family.

Our rental department can offer full diving gear rental or if you just need that one item.

We also offer Kayaks, Canoes, Bicycles rental for family fun on or around the river!



    Certifications YES

  • PADI


  • PADI

    Open Water Diver or equal rating, snorkel with no certification


    Open Water Diver or equal rating

  • PADI

    PADI Scuba Diver


    Adventure Diver, or equal rating

  • PADI

    Open Water Diver, or equal rating


    Advanced Open Water Diver, equal rating, Open Water Diver with PADI Underwater Navigator

  • PADI


    Adventure Diver (or equal rating) + CPR & First Aid trained within past 2 years

  • PADI


Dive Sites:

Name Distance

Robert Gaskin


0.36 km

Centeen Park


0.36 km

Robert Gaskin


0.51 km



2.7 km

J. B. King


3.87 km

Lillie Parsons


4.81 km

The Lillie Parsons


4.82 km

Henry C. Daryaw


9.6 km

The Henry C Daryaw


9.62 km



17.23 km

The America

United States

18.07 km


United States

18.47 km

Prescott Playground


18.71 km


United States

21.07 km

Pentland / FA Georger


23.62 km

The list reflects the locations visible in the map. Please zoom out

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Canada flagCanada
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Please try to be objective and avoid using personal interactions as the basis for a positive or a negative review. Any professional members using the service to gain a competitive advantage over their competitive will be banned from the service.
  • Dive Brockville Adventure Centre
At least one dive site or dive shop is required for review
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