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Seaventures Dive Rig Dive Site


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Dive Site Last Edited by:

Polly Philipson

PADI Master Instructor

Scubatech Ltd.

Advice for diving Seaventures Dive Rig in Malaysia

The Seaventures Dive Rig is a unique experience for divers as it is the only converted recreational diving platform in the world. It prominently rises above the sea, a 20 minute boat ride from Sipidan Island and approximately one kilometer away from Mabul Island. The area underneath the colourful dive rig platform is now considered one of the best dives in the world for scuba divers.

To enter the water, divers use the famous rig elevator that lowers guests directly onto the amazing house reef. You can either giant stride, back roll or slide into the water. To exit you simply wait in the water and the lift comes down to get you. The lift is also the main platform for the famous “Rig Jump” which is a fun leap into the blue water which guests are recommended to try at least once!

The Seaventures House Reef is famous for the weird and wonderful creatures that have taken up residence under the rig. Divers can also find wreckage, swim-throughs and artificial structures that have become mini reefs. The house reef dive site is also a fabulous night diving spot; divers find many species of intriguing nocturnal creatures. Fish are found sleeping in the wrecks or hiding in the reef structures, and are also observed hunting and feeding. Under the rig many sea fans reveal themselves to be home to pygmy sea horses and other fascinating critters. A fabulous location for macro photography!

The Seaventures House Reef always surprises divers with the diversity of marine life found under the rig. Whether you are interested in macro creatures or pelagics – you never know what you might see! All of the common schooling reef fish are present, as well as barracuda, groupers, cuttlefish, turtles, morays, ribbon eels, frogfish, scorpionfish, lionfish, nudibranchs and ghost pipe fish. There have even been occasional sightings of the tiny but deadly blue ring octopus and even whale sharks!

Around the Seaventures House Reef, the current is normally weak in strength. The depth ranges from 15–70 feet (5-21 meters) which is perfect for spending lots of time investigating, observing and photographing the awesome marine life. The best months to visit are between April to October and the visibility ranges from 15-70 feet (5-21 meters).

Useful Links: Environment: Activities: Dive Type: Marine Life:
Ocean Tropical Salt Water Training Reef Dive Underwater Photo & Video Underwater Research Beach Dive Multi-Level Training Dive Night Dive Blue-Ringed Octopus Great Barracuda Green Sea Turtle Pygmy Seahorse Ribbon Eel Whale Shark Common Cuttle Fish Frogfish nudibranch Giant Moray Red Lionfish Ornate Ghost Pipefish

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Revision History

Polly Philipson

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Advice on Diving in Malaysia

...onsoon seasons are from April-October (in the southwest) and October-February (in the northeast). It is best to plan your vacation during the dry season for each area - visibility will generally be clearer; it can reach up to 60 meters on perfect days. Air temperatures range from 25-32 Celsius, depending on the time of year and geographical location. Water temperatures average between 26-30 Celsius. Underwater, divers are treated to a profusion of marine and coral species. Malaysia sits on the edge of the Coral Triangle, which has been named as the global center of marine biodiversity, and ...

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Read "Part 2: Dive Sites, Marine Life & Environment in Malaysia"

Read "Part 3: Dive Shops, Airports & Logistics of Diving in Malaysia"
Dive Logs

Timur K

Thursday, Apr. 7, 2011
view log
Name Distance



0.9 km



23.2 km



79.7 km



188.16 km



258.91 km



303.85 km



316.13 km
Name Distance

SMM | Semporna

Malaysia, Semporna

22.14 km

TWU | Tawau

Malaysia, Tawau

89.11 km

NNX | Nunukan

Indonesia, Nunukan

109.62 km

LDU | Lahad Datu

Malaysia, Lahad Datu

95.24 km

TMG | Tomanggong

Malaysia, Tomanggong

127.81 km

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  • Seaventures Dive Rig
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