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Much like a facebook page - you need to first have a personal account through which you can login and manage the business page.

After creating a personal account, you will be directed to 'My Dive Shop' section where you can claim existing listing or create a new one.

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Recreational divers from the far north of Europa. Always diving in warm waters and doing 2-3 dive trips a year. Hobby underwater photographers. Favorite destination is Indonesia.


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    Wojtek Wojtasik (marketingowy) Wejdź na mojego bloga Trochę o edukacji.

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    OCA Divers (ocadivers) As a fresh and brand new dive center in Bali we assured you and your guest to have all the best that you can think of for your dive with us. Forget all the old saying that said the new operated dive center lack in everything – NO, instead we are newly opened with all the experienced staff behind us. All of our staff have been in this industry for years, so they know exactly everything like the back of their hand. Safety plays important part here so we put this as one of our main concern. From the vehicles to the dive guide/ instructors – we carefully choose everything to ensure your guest will enjoy their time with us. For dive guides we strictly use only Divemaster or above – and so does apply for the Instructors. Our in house Instructors all have been in the industry for years and have at least 500 hundred certifications or above.

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    Amina Venditti (ydedynoce)

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    Alina Lenatrowicz (oirmoeok) interbook

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    William Riquelme (uxegaduja)

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    Bozemnka Ford (Pluttes5) opinie o nicorix

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    Yee Keat Tan (yeekeat) I am certified PADI Instructor, Marine Biologist and amateur underwater photographer🐙 Currently, running Duyong Dive Center at Pulau Tinggi, Johor, Malaysia. PADI Master Scuba Diver Trainer

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    Irma Czech (richuker3452d2) Hi, I'm Oliwia, I'm here recently, I'm glad I got here, I love sports, gyms and fitness, I'm polishing, I like strong music and good cinema.

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    Abel Montesa (ifufejit)

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    Marek Marczak (MrKotwickyment) Oczywiście skup samochodów Poznań daje możliwość prędkiej sprzedaży pojazdu, a więc daje możliwość zamiany go na gotówkę i szansę na kupno nowego auta. Co więcej, w tej sytuacji nigdzie nie będzie trzeba jeździć, pokazywać auta lub dawać ogłoszeń o jego sprzedawaniu.

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