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Brandi Mueller

PADI, Instructor Development Course (IDC) Staff Instructor

Diving and photography are my passions and I've been lucky enough to be diving since I was 15 years old. Currently I'm a PADI IDC Staff Instructor and have been instructing in the Caribbean, Hawaii, and the South Pacific for 9 years and have a USCG captain's license. I love sharing the underwater world through words and pictures and whenever possible, showing people my favorite dive sites.


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    Tola Sawicka (Lidiatvnvqz) Stylowe Szale - jest prowadzony przez młodą kobietę, która uwielbia miłe szala. Na tej witrynie internetowej zamieszcza najświeższe trendy oraz informacje na temat wariantów zawiązywania szalików. Opisuje również historię chusty oraz szalika. Co więcej, przedstawia najpopularniejsze surowce wykorzystywane do produkcji szali i apaszek. Artykuły są wypełnione sposobami ożywienia danej kreacji. Prezentowana strona w sieci to miejsce, gdzie znalazły się wpisy o wybornych szalach i ciekawych wzorach apaszek. Zainteresowanych zapraszamy do kontaktu.

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    Pola Krupa (Judytavmghsy) Stylowe Płaszcze - jest prowadzony przez młodą kobietę, która kocha miłe szale damskie. Na tej stronie www umieszcza współczesne stylizacje i ciekawostki na temat możliwości wiązania szali damskich. Prezentuje także historię chusty i szali. Co więcej, opisuje najpopularniejsze surowce używane do produkcji szalików oraz apaszek. Treści są naszpikowane metodami ożywienia danej kreacji. Prezentowana strona w sieci to adres, na którym pojawiają się posty o ekstrawaganckich szalach oraz interesujących modelach apaszek satynowych. Zainteresowanych zapraszamy do kontaktu.

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    amelia Borowska (Mianvehhd) Blog Online - jest prowadzony przez dziewczynę, która bardzo lubi eleganckie szala. Na tej witrynie www publikuje współczesne trendy i informacje o możliwości wiązania szali. Opisuje także historię apaszki oraz szala. Ponadto opisuje najbardziej znane materiały wykorzystywane do wytwarzania szali oraz chust. Artykuły są nabite metodami ulepszenia danej kreacji. Prezentowana witryna Internetowa to adres, na którym znalazły się wpisy o pięknych szalach także interesujących wzorach apaszek jedwabnych. Zainteresowanych zapraszamy do kontaktu.

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    Dobrawa Kania (Miagzyerb) Stylowa Odzież Blog - jest prowadzony przez dziewczynę, która kocha miłe szale damskie. Na tej witrynie internetowej umieszcza najnowsze stylizacje oraz ciekawostki o sposobów wiązania szali. Prezentuje również historię apaszek i szalika. Dodatkowo opisuje najsłynniejsze włókna używane do produkcji szali oraz apaszek. Posty są wypełnione metodami ożywienia danej kreacji. Ta strona Online to miejsce, gdzie pojawiają się wpisy o pięknych szalach damskich także ciekawych modelach apaszek damskich. Zainteresowanych zapraszamy do kontaktu.

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    Dorota Wojciechowska (Katarzynaeqxsut) Wełnaina Odzież - jest prowadzony przez dziewczynę, która kocha przyjemne szale damskie. Na jej stronie www umieszcza najnowsze trendy i informacje o możliwości noszenia szali. Opisuje także historię apaszki i szala. Co więcej, przedstawia najbardziej znane materiały wykorzystywane do wytwarzania szalików oraz apaszek. Treści są nabite możliwościami ożywienia danej stylizacji. Podana witryna Online to miejsce, na którym znalazły się wiadomości o pięknych szalach damskich i interesujących wzorach apaszek. Zainteresowanych zapraszamy do kontaktu.

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    Katarzyna KAczmarek (Monikafdkphp) Stylowa Moda - został założony przez młodą kobietę, która kocha przyjemne szale damskie. Na jej witrynie www zamieszcza najnowsze stylizacje oraz informacje na temat wariantów wiązania szalików. Prezentuje również historię chusty oraz szali. Dodatkowo charakteryzuje najbardziej znane włókna wykorzystywane do tkania szalików i apaszek. Posty są nabite metodami ulepszenia danej stylizacji. Podana witryna w sieci to miejsce, gdzie znalazły się wiadomości o ekstrawaganckich szalach także ciekawych wzorach apaszek satynowych. Zainteresowanych zapraszamy do kontaktu.

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    Bindasmal Contarcting (Bindasmalcontarcting) Bin Dasmal Contracting is an ISO certified company with over four decades of experience in offering Civil & MEP (Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing) services. These services include both Civil & MEP installation, refurbishment, retrofit and maintenance.

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    Bindasmal (DoorSuppliersDubai) Bin Dasmal Doors has emerged as a market leader in the supply, installation and service for a range of automated doors, material handling equipment, automation products and storage solutions in UAE and neighboring regions.

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    Rafel Todmk (tromkrp)

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Posted on: July 23, 2021

Sub2o Post


Papua New Guinea's Milne Bay

Papua New Guinea is one of the world's best dive destinations and Milne Bay offers fantastic reef diving and muck diving in the same location. Clear waters and phenomenal creatures make for an excellent dive trip that’s entirely worth the travel time.

Posted on: June 25, 2021

Sub2o Post


The SS Thistlegorm

The SS Thistlegorm rests at the bottom of the northern Red Sea. Bombed and sunk during World War II, this ship was first discovered by Jacques Cousteau and then forgotten about till the 1990s. Now it is the Red Sea’s most famous (and most dived) wreck.

Posted on: June 18, 2021

Sub2o Post


Humpbacks of the Silver Bank

Nothing compares to being in the water with a 40 foot humpback whale. These beautiful and graceful animals are nothing short of amazing. The Silver Bank is a winter gathering place for humpbacks and more recently, snorkelers, who come to go eye to eye with one of the largest animals on earth.

Posted on: June 11, 2021

Sub2o Post


On Seahorse Love

When boy meets girl in the world of seahorses a beautiful and often extensive courtship occurs. They change colors and entwine their tails. Then they rise off the seafloor and the female deposits her eggs into the male’s pouch. Wait…the male gets pregnant? Keep reading for more on seahorse love.

Posted on: May 28, 2021

Sub2o Post


Mandarinfish-The Courtship Dance

On the reefs of the Pacific, twilight marks the beginning of the mandarinfish courtship dance. A male begins dancing, and if he’s desirable, an interested female will join. Just before the sun sets, the two fish will rise up out of the reef together to mate, cheek-to-cheek.

Posted on: April 2, 2021

Sub2o Post


6 Dive Sites To Add To Your Scuba Bucket List

Scuba diving (as a New Year’s Resolution) coalesces the most common resolutions made each year. But even divers have their own NY resolutions; they can get bored, especially if they’ve been diving the same spots over and over again. A new year calls for adding some new and unique destinations onto your scuba bucket list.

Posted on: March 19, 2021

Sub2o Post


Blue Heron Bridge

North America's muck diving. The weird and wonderful, under Florida's Blue Heron Bridge.

Posted on: December 25, 2020

Sub2o Post


Colorful Fiji

Pinks, purples, yellows, and reds - underwater Fiji is all about color. Soft corals abound and brilliant marine life makes the diving picture perfect. Known as the Soft Coral Capital of the World, Fiji does not disappoint.

Posted on: December 4, 2020

Sub2o Post


Prinz Eugen - Bismarck Era Ship Wreck Dive, Marshall Islands

Every sunken ship has a story, and that of the Prinz Eugen is especially unique. Starting in the North Atlantic as a German Navy vessel in World War II, it continued on to the Pacific to play a role in the nuclear tests at Bikini Atoll. It capsized in 1946 at Kwajalein Atoll, Marshall Islands, where it now rests for divers to explore.

Posted on: November 6, 2020

Sub2o Post


Jellyfish Lake in Palau

Snorkel with millions of non-stinging jellyfish in Palau's Jellyfish Lake.

Posted on: September 15, 2014

Part 1: Overview of Scuba Diving in Brazil

...ine and unspoiled diving throughout Brazil. Beyond diving, the huge country has a lot to offer including an amazing culture, beaches, waterfalls, rainforest, the Pantanal, and the Amazon to explore. Brazil is easy to get to with many flights arriving from around the world. Divers will likely fly ...

Posted on: September 15, 2014

Part 2: Dive Sites, Marine Life & Environment in Brazil

...dibranchs the occasional whale. There is also the wreck of the Moreia sitting in 22m that was artificially sank in 1995 to attract fish. There is freshwater cave and cavern diving in Bonito and the entrance to Abismo Anhumas Cave requires the diver to be lowered into the cave by a harness (for adv...

Posted on: September 15, 2014

Part 3: Dive Shops, Airports & Logistics of Diving in Brazil

...SI training and daily boat trips around to the many sites of Fernando de Noronha. With several boats they are the best option for diving Fernando de Noronha. They also offer technical diving training and tech dives. In Ponta Negra, Caju Divers offers PADI classes and daily boat dives to site up t...

Posted on: September 20, 2014


Part 1: Overview of Scuba Diving in Chile

...estimate the diving because there are seal and sea lion colonies, dolphins, whales and great visibility. Chile has a desert climate in the north, subtropical in the central, and temperate in the south. The warmer summer months are from December to March, and winter is June to August. The capital,...

Posted on: September 20, 2014


Part 2: Dive Sites, Marine Life & Environment in Chile

...luding Roca Chungungo, a popular dive with a sheer wall and often sea lions and otters. The Maria Elizabeth Wreck was sunk in 1965 and sits from 16-21m, making it a good dive site for beginners and more advanced divers. The Cauldron of Death is a wall dive with a large cave. It’s a more advanced ...

Posted on: September 20, 2014


Part 3: Dive Shops, Airports & Logistics of Diving in Chile

...ast off Valparaiso. The island of Robinson Crusoe has a few hotels, and the Crusoe Island Lodge offers diving and other activities on the island. Easter Island’s most popular dive shops are Orca Diving Center and Mike Rapu Dive Center. They’ve both been rated highly as some of the best diving ope...

Posted on: September 16, 2014

Part 1: Overview of Scuba Diving in Costa Rica

...bbean has warm waters and easy, relaxed dives with lots of fish. Some areas (especially in the north) have been decimated by run-off from large banana plantations, but in the south the reefs are colorful and full of fish like much of the rest of the Caribbean. Getting to Costa Rica is very easy wi...

Posted on: September 16, 2014

Part 2: Dive Sites, Marine Life & Environment in Costa Rica

...nd Isla Murcierlagos (Bat Islands) which are very popular islands to dive. On the boat rides to these islands there are frequent sightings of dolphins, turtles, and humpback whales from June to October. Dive sites at Isla Catalinas include The Wall, The Point, and Widow Rock. These dive sites are...

Posted on: September 16, 2014

Part 3: Dive Shops, Airports & Logistics of Diving in Costa Rica

...dives to Catalina and Murcielagos. They can set up vacation packages including land tours if requested. Mad About Diving is a PADI 5* Development Center that offers training, boat dives, snorkeling, fishing, surfing, kayaking, and whale and dolphin tours. Cocos Islands Getting to Cocos Islands r...

Posted on: September 7, 2014

Part 1: Overview of Scuba Diving in Croatia

...months due to warmer temperatures (both above and below water) and the European summer vacation season. The summer months have air temperatures between 17C and 35C and water temperatures up to 27C. Water temperatures can vary depending on depth and close proximity to freshwater spring entrances as...

Posted on: September 7, 2014

Part 2: Dive Sites, Marine Life & Environment in Croatia

... the central coast of Croatia are several popular islands to dive. Vis is the largest island and has many underground caves for exploring and several wrecks. Biševo is home to “Blue Cave,” one of the top cave dives in Croatia where divers first enter the cave by boat before descending underwater. ...

Posted on: September 7, 2014

Part 3: Dive Shops, Airports & Logistics of Diving in Croatia 5* PADI Resort located in Vela Luka, on the island of Korcula. They do instruction from beginner dives through instructor and also take already certified divers on dives to explore Korcula and the other nearby islands. Viking Diving Center in Hvar also does PADI training, has daily boat trip an...

Posted on: January 8, 2016


Part 1: Overview of Scuba Diving in Dominican Republic

...ither have their own dive shops on the property or can recommend nearby dive shops.   Spanish is the official language there but English is widely spoken. The currency is the Dominican Peso, but US Dollars and Euros are widely accepted.  Major highways make it easy to get around the island, althoug...

Posted on: January 8, 2016


Part 2: Dive Sites, Marine Life & Environment in Dominican Republic

... of light. South Coast The South coast is loaded with wreck dives.  La Caleta National Underwater Park, a no-fishing zone, holds the Hickory and the Limon, both fantastic wreck dives in recreational diver limits.  There is also the St. George, a ship built in 1962 and abandoned in Santo Domingo ...

Posted on: January 8, 2016


Part 3: Dive Shops, Airports & Logistics of Diving in Dominican Republic

...ibbean islands and Spain. They offer dive training through PADI, from discover scuba diving to more advanced classes.  Found at Hotel Dreams and Hotel Catalonia, Gri Gri Divers offers diving on the south east coast of the DR.  Gri Gri also offers technical dive training and trips for experienced ca...


