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Zolotoy Piligrim

Zolotoy Piligrim

0 reviews 0 Russia flagRussia

Moscow, 121309 Dvorets Vodnogo Sporta Fili Bolshaya Filevskaya Street, dom 18A

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Dive Shop Information:


    Dive Certifying Bodies we are affiliated or certified by

    PADI, Dive Shops, Dive Resorts, Dive Boats and Recreational Facilities

Additional Notes

Diving center "Golden Pilgrim" was opened in JSC Moscow City in 2005. We offer you our professional training services for scuba diving (diving).

  • Diver Training is carried out by instructors diving school with international degree PADI (Professional Association of Diving Instructors) and rich experience. Diving School "Golden Pilgrim" meets all the requirements of the international PADI association and is its member. Our diving center is located in the Western Administrative District (JSC) of the city of Moscow . You will be pleasantly surprised by the cost of training at our diving courses. Call us and we will be happy to answer all your questions!
  • Go diving courses and teaching scuba diving is possible in small groups and individually. The flexible system allows you to schedule a convenient time for students learning. Classes are held on weekdays, as weekends and holidays. If any skills need improvement, we provide the opportunity to train in extra time with an instructor.
  • Main diving equipment consists of regulator, buoyancy compensator (BCD), pressure gauge, depth gauge, wetsuit, fins, tubes, masks or full face masks. All the equipment of the club is in good condition and passes constant technical examination by experts diving center.
  • Compressed air in your tank should not differ from the air you breathe. The cylinders are filled with clubs in the designated areas - in the compressor in which the compressor is installed, equipped with the most modern filter system, allowing to achieve the ideal air purification.Cylinders and filters are tight technical control.

Dive Sites:

Name Distance

Western Bridge, Moscow


11.2 km

Spas Kamenka


45.1 km

Desnogorsk, Smolensk NPS


320.89 km

Sokolovskiy Pit


546.3 km

Abondoned ships near Chernobyl


691.69 km

Volga River Kazan Klucishe


718.91 km

Volga River Matushino


722.17 km

Five Wreck


731.43 km

Disney, Kadavu


731.43 km



731.43 km

Evil Wall


731.43 km

Bird Wall


731.43 km

Frog Hole


731.43 km

Jolames Point


731.43 km

Melis Site


731.43 km

The list reflects the locations visible in the map. Please zoom out

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  • Zolotoy Piligrim
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